Senioritis, Not Just for Seniors

by Maile

It’s back,
More deadly than ever,
You think you won’t catch it,
Never say “never.”

It’s not just the seniors;
It’s juniors and sophomores.
“No, don’t show me,
I don’t wanna see my scores!”

Students are crying
Out in the quad,
They care more about getting
That hot summer bod.

“What is this!? They ask.
“It’s a deadly disease!”
“I’m not getting A’s,
Only C’s and D’s!”

The smell of defeat
Fills up the air,
This deadly disease,
Lurks everywhere!

Senioritis has struck
Our campus once more,
Students are done,
School’s just a bore

What can we do
To cure this disease?
Let us out already,
I’m begging you, please!?

We’ve been in school
For oh-oh-so-long,
Waiting ‘til May,
It’s all just so wrong.

Students are tired,
And they need a break,
All of this work,
Makes my mind ache.

The sweet thought of summer,
Keeps me alive
But with this junioritis,

I’m not sure I’ll survive!

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