English 12 is one choice of two English classes that can be taken in the senior year. It is challenging, yet fun, and home of the infamous “perfect essay.” Students will read the novel Don Quixote and the plays Cyrano de Bergerac and Hamlet, as well as complete two independent reading books on their own. In addition to these reading experiences, writing experiences include: paraphrase, summary, expository report, rhetorical analysis, and literary analysis. Last, students receive instruction in grammar and literary techniques.
Course catalog description: This senior-level course is designed to provide students with a program of reading, writing, oral communication, literature and language study. The emphasis is on literary analysis, research skills, and grammar and mechanics for college and other post-high school pursuits. Students become strategic users of the language process by developing and implementing strategies for a variety of purposes and audiences, and evaluating and refining their effectiveness. Students develop greater precision and refinement of spoken and written language. The study of world literature includes both traditional and contemporary texts written for a variety of purposes and audiences. The role of language in communicating and shaping thought and behavior will be examined. Students must complete a “summer reading” assignment by the end of the first week of the semester. Students are strongly encouraged to use the summer or winter break to fulfill this requirement.
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