Writing on a Theme

by Breana

As I quickly walk right left right

 Into the famous store I march

The anticipation of order had a grasp on my focus

Everything around me is standing silent and still

While I myself move swiftly

I pronounce my order in the lingo

That the workers know oh to well

I in trust them with my order that they will make it right

I can not see what is being done

This worries me much

The combination of the different components

All not having a place in this

Mixed together in then perfect bliss

Then the mixture is passed on to the next care taker

Gently pouring it into its temporary home

Covered tightly with whip cream and a lid it is finally ready

They give it a name and place it on the counter

By the looks of this creation I know it is mine

Unique in its own way just as I am to it

Wrapping my fingers and feeling the chill

Understanding it belongs to me

No on will take it from me, for my lips have claimed it

The flavors of this master piece awakens me

Give me a new light

On the other side of my green straw

 The once considered home is now half full

My stomach has its other half soon to become a whole

Just as mind, body & soul

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