E ke kula waena ʻo Kamehameha … A-LO-HA!
‘O ka lā ʻumikūmāhiku kēia o ʻApelila
He Poʻakahi kēia
He lā ʻelima
Today is Monday, April 17, Day 5
Lunch today: Hot Dogs w/Bun
The HPK blog site has been updated with information concerning our 2017 Roll-In. Please see this link for details: http://blogs.ksbe.edu/hpkkw/
CRBLC Lunch Recess Sign Up
Sign up using the link on Mrs. Helm’s blog (MS homepage, left sidebar, CRB-Helm).
Borrow Me!
Beauty a retelling of the story of Beauty & the Beast by Robin McKinley – “Beauty has never liked her nickname. She is thin and awkward; it is her two sisters who are the beautiful ones. But what she lacks in looks, she can perhaps make up for in courage. When her father comes home with the tale of an enchanted castle in the forest and the terrible promise he had to make to the Beast who lives there, Beauty knows she must go to the castle, a prisoner of her own free will. Her father protests that he will not let her go, but she answers, “Cannot a Beast be tamed?”
Now Showing at CRBLC:
In celebration of the 2017 Merrie Monarch Festival, past kahiko and ‘auana performances by competing hālau will be played throughout the week. Come and watch Miss Aloha Hula contestants vie for the title, behind-the-scene interviews with kumu hula and dancers, and bonus footage of festivities in Hilo.
CRBLC ʻApelila Incentive Activities:
Earn ‘Oi Kelakela dollars and ‘Apu Lanakila points by completing April’s Incentive Activities. It runs through 4/28/17. Have fun and see you at the Learning Center!
ATTENTION Student-Athletes!
To participate in high-risk sports next year, you need a baseline concussion test. Get it done in May!
Testing will be done at Kekuʻiapoiwa (high school learning center); a check-in table will be inside. Testing will be done in small groups. Appointments are not necessary and students may check-in at any time during the times listed. The test is a non-invasive computer exam that takes approximately 40 minutes to complete.
The test dates and times are:
•Monday, May 15 (3:00-5:30pm)
•Tuesday, May 16 (3:00-5:30pm)
•Wednesday, May 17 (3:00-5:30pm)
•Thursday, May 18 (3:00-5:30pm)
Students that should plan on taking a baseline test are:
•Any student interested in participating in a high-risk sport for KSH that has not previously done so
•Current 6th and 8th grade students planning on participating in a high risk sport, regardless if they have previously taken a baseline test
•Any student that has been diagnosed with a concussion since their last baseline test
For questions or clarification, please contact an athletic trainer at 982-0632 or kshatc@ksbe.edu
Wrestling – April Practice Dates: 11, 13, 17, 18, 20, 24,25, 27
Cheerleading – Practice on Mondays 3:30-5:30 and Wednesdays 2:30-5:30
Girls Basketball – Practice will be on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 3:00-5:30 in Laʻamea
Boys Basketball – Practice on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 3:30-5:30 in Laʻamea. See game schedule – KS HiPal schedule
Soccer – Practice on Monday 3:00-4:15, and Wednesday 3:15-4:30 on MS Field
Golf – Practice Tuesdays and Thursdays at Hilo Muni from 3:30-5:30
~ ʻOi Kelakela shirts on Friday with free dress bottoms and shoes