E ke kula waena ʻo Kamehameha… aloha mai kākou !
He Poʻakolu kēia
He lā ʻewalu (ʻeono)
Today is Wednesday, November 30, Day 8 (6)
Lunch today: Chili Nachos
All students who remain on campus after 1:45 pm on Wednesdays need to report to the dining hall FIRST. After signing in, students will be released to library, etc.
Aloha mai kākou, 6th Grade needs your help deciding which innovation is the greatest in human history. Please visit this link https://goo.gl/forms/m99bYF58gX7wdILB2 to vote for your favorite innovation in each match up. Voting closes this Friday 12/2. Mahalo for your help.
Kula Waena Founder’s Day Conductor
A big mahalo goes out to the four ʻiʻiwi who came out to audition for the kula waena Founder’s Day conductor. Auditioning takes a lot of courage, so congratulations and mahalo nui to all who came out. A special congratulations goes out to Ewalea Dameg who will be our conductor this year.
CRBLC Nowemapa Incentive Activities:
Today’s the last day to complete November’s Incentive Activities. The standings are close, so come on down and help your advisory and grade level jump in the lead before the final points are tallied.
Borrow Me Today!
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Double Down – “The pressure’s really piling up on Greg Heffley. His mom thinks video games are turning his brain to mush, so she wants her son to put down the controller and explore his “creative side.”
As if that’s not scary enough, Halloween’s just around the corner and the frights are coming at Greg from every angle.”
CRBLC Movie of the Week:
City of Ember– “For generations, the people of the City of Ember have flourished in an amazing world of glittering lights. But Ember’s once powerful generator is failing — and the great lamps that illuminate the city are starting to flicker. Now, two teenagers in a race against time, must search Ember for clues that will unlock the ancient mystery of the city’s existence, and help the citizens escape before the lights go out forever.”
CRBLC Closed on Thursday, 12/1/16:
CRBLC will be closed on Thursday, so no activities before school, during morning and lunch recess, and after school. See you back here on Friday!
CRBLC Speed Challenge – It’s On!:
Games begin next week Monday, 12/5/16, with the first pool of players starting at 7:20am. For those who registered, review the Speed 21 Team Single Elimination Bracketto know the day and time you play. We will begin promptly at the times listed. Tardiness or no show is a disqualification.
1st place = 50 ‘Oi Kelakela dollars and 500 ‘Apu Lanakila points
2nd place = 20 ‘Oi Kelakela dollars and 200 ‘Apu Lanakila points
All players will receive ‘Oi Kelakela dollars and ‘Apu Lanakila points for your participation. So come and cheer for your friends, advisory, and grade level!
Middle School Sports:
Cheerleading – Today 3:30-5:30 in Keaka Playcourt
Volleyball – If you did not turn in your uniform, please do so as soon as possible. You may give your uniform to Coach Kaaa.
Upcoming Events:
~ The Hawaii Concussion Awareness & Monitoring Program (HCAMP) will once again be visiting Big Island and putting on a FREE clinic with information about recognizing and managing concussions. This is open to athletes of any level (high school, middle school, youth group, etc).
See flyer for details: concussion_flyer_hilo_11-30-16
~ Christmas Band Concert – Thursday, Dec. 1 at 6:00 pm in Lunalilo Hale
~ Pennies for Pauahi Drive – Dec. 5-9 – show kahiau and please donate to the Pauahi Foundation.
I lā maikaʻi!