E ke kula waena ʻo Kamehameha … A-LO-HA!
‘O ka lā iwakāluakūmāono kēia o Mei
He Poʻalima kēia
Today is Friday, May 26, Special Events
Lunch today – Week in Review
All 8th grade girls who are interested in trying out for High School Girls Volleyball are asked to email Coach Sam Thomas at samthomas5845@gmail.com
Mural Painting with Aaron Kai ʻ07 – The project will team Aaron Kai with our Grade 5-12+ students (faculty are also welcome and invited) to paint a mural with Aaron – public location TBD. The selected date will be Friday, June 2, 2017 – all day; transportation provided by students or their parents. Students do not need to be artist but willing to have a fun experience with Aaron. If you are available and interested in participating, please see Mrs. Ah Chong – a waiver will need to be signed.
Attention all students:
Please read the flyer regarding PE swimwear for SY 2017-18. If you have further questions contact your PE teacher. See flyer here – Swimwear Flyer
ATTENTION Student-Athletes!
All students participating in high-risk sports must take a baseline concussion test.
Testing will be done at Kekuʻiapoiwa, Room 5 (high school learning center); look for signs for check-in. Testing will be done in small groups. Appointments are not necessary and students may check-in at any time during the times listed. The test is a non-invasive computer exam that takes approximately 30-40 minutes to complete.
The test dates and times are:
•Tuesday, June 13 (12:30-4:30pm)
•Tuesday, July 18 (2:30-5:15pm)
•Tuesday, July 25 (2:30-5:15pm)
•Monday, August 14 (3:00-5:30pm)
Students that should plan on taking a baseline test are:
•Any student interested in participating in a high-risk sport for KSH that has not previously done so
•Students entering 6th, 7th, 9th, and 11th grades and interested in participating in a high risk sport, regardless if they have previously taken a baseline test
•Any student that has been diagnosed with a concussion since their last baseline test
For questions or clarification, please contact an athletic trainer at 982-0632 or kshatc@ksbe.edu