Mai Hawai‘i nui o Keawe a i ka mole ʻo Lehua… A-LO-HA!
‘O ka lā iwakāluakūmāono kēia o Nowemapa
He Pōʻakolu kēia.
He lā ʻehā
Today is Wednesday, November 26, a Day 4 (Early Release Schedule)
Lunch today: Chicken Long Rice
Operation Christmas Child Boxes – Please bring your boxes to be presented at our Thanksgiving Chapel today at 1:00 p.m.
Meat Club – Canned Food Drive
The meat clubʻs December community service project is a canned food drive. Show your aloha spirit this holiday season by bringing in canned foods. To promote festive holiday competition, weʻre turning this into a contest. Canned foods collected will be awarded points. The advisory with the most points will earn up to a $100 pizza prize sponsored by the meat club. All food collected will go to the Hawaii Island Food Basket. Contest food drive is from December 1-8. The winning advisory will be announced on Friday, 12/12.
See Mr. Masuko if you have any questions.
+1 point for each canned food and no-perishable food item.
+3 points for each canned meat.
+5 points for each canned chicken or ham (main ingredient is chicken or ham).
Middle School Sports:
Boys Basketball: Practice on today in Laʻamea Gym from 3:30-5:00.
Upcoming Events:
- No School on Thursday and Friday, 11/27-28 – Happy Thanksgiving!
I lā maikaʻi!