Welcome to the Hale Pāhana Kīpaepae, Kula Waena 1:1 progam. Our objective is to prepare and provide assistance to faculty, students and parents on the use of technology for the Kula Waena including training in ethics, expectations, and liability.
Long Distance Learning Guide Lines
- Damaged equipment
- Trouble with programs
- Student laptop locked
Damage Equipment:
Process: Student (or student representative) must bring computer and/or charger to campus to switch out. The student must communicate via phone and/or email to HPK direct their username and password so a loaner computer can be set up. Loaner computers must be logged in on campus at least once before students can take home.
Description: Should a student have their computer and/or charger damaged, the only way that we will be able to service is if someone brings the damaged item to school and HPK will provide the student with a replacement.
Application / Program Support
Process: Students can contact HPK support via phone and/or email.
Description: Should a student have questions and/or concerns regarding certain programs, they will be able to contact HPK staff (808.982.0768 or [email protected]). There will be a single point of contact where calls will then be forwarded to appropriate support. Remote assistance available via Lanschool if needed.
Student Laptop Locked
Description: Should a student get locked out of their computer, HPK will work with IT/ERD to change the amount of times the student has to login to their computer. At present times, students have 3-5 wrong attempts before they get locked out. We will work to increase that number to 8-10 wrong attempts.Currently, the default student lockout time is 30 minutes, at which time, the computer will allow students to make attempts again. HPK will work with IT/ERD to change the amount of time from 30 minutes to 10-15 minutes.
This support will remain in place as long as distance learning is used and will refer back to standard procedures once school is reopened.
HPK Support staff and contact information: