E ko Kamehameha Hawaiʻi ma ke kula waena nei… aloha nui iā kākou a pau, A-LO-HA!
‘O ka lā ʻumikūmāiwa kēia o Kekemapa
He Pōʻalima kēia.
Today is Friday, December 19 – Founderʻs Day Schedule
Lost and Found: Please check the lost and found cart to claim your items. All items not claimed by Jan. 7th will be donated.
Christmas Break Pictures: Share what you did over the break with pictures. To Upload your photos: Connect to server/type this link – smb://ehstud1/public and open/ look for folder, “Christmas Break Photos” and drop your photos there. The Media Communications class will be compiling the photos to share with our Kula Waena.
Students with outstanding detention on Friday 1/9/15 will not be reporting to the dance. Instead they will need to join other students as they work on a school-service project.
Also, detention can be worked off in the morning before school starts at 7:25am – see Mr. Nordblom.
Upcoming Events:
- New Year Dance – Friday, Jan. 9 – wear white or neon colors
Mele Kalikimaka A Me Hauʻoli Makahiki Hou!