E ko Kamehameha Hawaiʻi ma ke kula waena nei … aloha mai kākou
‘O ka lā ʻelua kēia o Kekemapa
He Pōʻakahi kēia.
He lā ʻeono
Today is Monday, December 2, a Day 6
Lunch today: Chili Con Carne
Attention all students…the PE department has noticed a substantial amount of towels that have gone missing. If you “borrowed” a towel and it ended up at home, please bring it back. No questions asked. We want to continue to provide this daily towel service to all of you and need your kokua. Mahalo nui.
Upcoming Events this Week:
* MS Band Christmas Concert tomorrow night at 6:30 p.m.
* Early Release on Wednesday, 12/4, at 1:45 p.m. for K-12 Teacher Articulation Meetings
* ʻOi Kelakela shirt day on Thursday, 12/5
* Upload day on Thursday, 12/5 – be sure to get all your work in by Wed.
Attention Middle School Girls:
If you are interested in learning to become more confident, help in the community, be a positive role model and have fun, please see Alexia Iwamoto (8th grader) for more information on this opportunity.
I lā maikaʻi!