Whatcha doin’?

October 5th, 2009 by tinakamo


What have you been doing since we saw each other last? Did you cheer our team on during Spirit Night? Are you going to the beach? Playing at the park? Going to the movies? Keep in touch and let us know whatcha been doin’!

Posted in General Discussion, ‘Ohana | 16 Comments »

What books are you “fall”ing into this break?

October 4th, 2009 by tinakamo


We have lots of time to sink into some great books during our Fall Break.  What are you reading?  Would you recommend it to anyone else?  Tell us all about it…

Posted in General Discussion, Literature Discussions | 10 Comments »


October 2nd, 2009 by tinakamo


When we read Fox by Margaret Wild we had a lot of interesting responses to the story. Some of the big ideas we identified are GREED, ENVY, LOYALTY, FEAR, TRUST, and RESPECT. What is your response to this powerful story?

Posted in General Discussion, Literature Discussions | 22 Comments »

Ron’s Big Mission

September 23rd, 2009 by tinakamo

Ron's Big Mission

We’ve been discussing the book, Ron’s Big Mission, by Rose Blue and Corinne J. Naden.  Some of the words that came up in our discussions are POWER (who has it?  how do they get it?), MONEY, FAIR  (is this the same as “equal?”) and CHANGE.  Ron felt so strongly about his mission that he stood up to adults, including police officers, to complete it. Is there any “mission” (real or imagined) you feel that strongly about? Please explain.  You may also comment on our class discussions about this topic.

Posted in General Discussion, Literature Discussions, Social Studies | 32 Comments »

Dig deep. Reach high.

September 15th, 2009 by tinakamo


At our first ‘Ohana service this school year, Kahu Cathy talked about this year’s theme, which was presented at Convocation. DIG DEEP. REACH HIGH. What does it mean to you?

Posted in General Discussion, Social Studies | 22 Comments »

History: The good and the bad

September 11th, 2009 by tinakamo


Today we talked about the tragic events of 9/11/2001.  We talked about HISTORY and its importance.  What are some things that you remember from your past that you think are important to look back upon. Why?  What did you learn from these experiences?

Posted in General Discussion, Social Studies | 24 Comments »

Bishop Museum

September 10th, 2009 by tinakamo


Today we explored the Polynesian Hall and the newly renovated Hawaiian Hall at the Bishop Museum. What did you learn? What artifacts surprised you? Which ones were most interesting to you? Do you have any questions about what you saw? Why do you think this was an important field trip for us?

Posted in General Discussion, Social Studies | 31 Comments »

How many dimes?

September 9th, 2009 by tinakamo


How about this one? Fill in the blanks, create your own problem, then solve it. Here it is: If Hoku gave Kama __ dimes, he would still have 5 more dimes than Kama. If Hoku started with __ dimes, how many dimes did Kama start with?

Posted in General Discussion, Mathematics | 15 Comments »

My Education, My Future

September 8th, 2009 by tinakamo


In his Education speech today Barack Obama asked you, “What’s your contribution going to be? What problems are you going to solve? What discoveries will you make?” If you could answer him in person, what would you say? What other thoughts do you have about his speech?

Posted in General Discussion, Social Studies | 20 Comments »

Janell Cannon

September 2nd, 2009 by tinakamo


Today Janell Cannon visited our school. How lucky were we! After reading Pinduli and Verdi and hearing her speak, what comments and questions do you have?

Posted in General Discussion, Literature Discussions | 30 Comments »

Enough for the Class?

September 2nd, 2009 by tinakamo

My friendʻs class has 28 students in it. She brings a pizza to school for her class and when she slices it, there are 12 pieces. If she orders another pizza and slices it into 12 pieces, will there be enough for each student to eat one piece? Are there any extra pieces? If there arenʻt enough pieces, how many more does she need? How did you find your answer?

Posted in Mathematics | 9 Comments »

Climbing Family Trees

September 1st, 2009 by tinakamo


Wow!  What a “climb!”  We learned a lot about our families last week.  What was most surprising to you?  Why?  What made you wonder?  Did your questions start any new discussions at home?

Posted in General Discussion, Social Studies | 15 Comments »

Aloha Papa Hawaiʻiloa 2009-2010!

September 1st, 2009 by tinakamo

Nakamoto IMG_8382

Can you believe itʻs September? Weʻve been in school now for 3 weeks! So, what do you think? How does it feel being in 2nd grade? Please share your thoughts about your first 3 weeks as 2nd graders.

Posted in General Discussion, Social Studies | 42 Comments »


September 1st, 2009 by tinakamo


Pinduli was teased by animals who were teased by other animals who were also first teased by the same animals. Did you make any personal connections to the text? Have you ever been teased? If so, how did you feel? Have you ever teased anyone? If so, how did you feel afterward?

Posted in General Discussion, Literature Discussions, Social Studies | 17 Comments »

Uninvited Guests

June 26th, 2009 by tinakamo


Harris Burdick gave this photo the caption:

“His heart was pounding. He was sure he had seen the doorknob turn.”

Posted in Chris Van Allsburg, General Discussion, Literature Discussions, Writing | 11 Comments »

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