History: The good and the bad

September 11th, 2009 by tinakamo


Today we talked about the tragic events of 9/11/2001.  We talked about HISTORY and its importance.  What are some things that you remember from your past that you think are important to look back upon. Why?  What did you learn from these experiences?

Posted in General Discussion, Social Studies | 24 Comments »

24 Responses

  1. Keanu Says:

    I learned a new word.It’s terroist. I also learned that today was a special day because there was war today.

  2. Bailey Says:

    Wow! I didn’t know that they had to pay more attention to the pepole so they do not highjack the air plane.

  3. Pono Says:

    I learned that on sept.11 they had war. Why do the terroists think that we were there enemy?

  4. kalani Says:

    I think that it would be really creepy to see a terrist tell the pilot to crash into the tallest building in New York.

  5. Keanu Says:

    I learned that there was war on September 11,2001 and that people died on that day because terroist got on 2 airplanes and the people on the plane including the terroist died because the twin towers were burning down.

  6. Noelani Says:

    Wow!I really noticed a difference
    from back in the old days and
    now. Because at the airport in
    the old days they could put part
    of there name like for a example
    they could do just first and last name and
    now days we have to do first, middle and last names on our Tickits.

  7. keenyn Says:

    I will never make someone feel bad. I did that one time, but I learned my lesson.

  8. Dylan Says:

    Why would someone want to be a robber or a terrorist?

  9. Dylan Says:

    And why would someone want to have a war?

  10. koalii Says:

    I learned that on September 11,2oo1 is a Inportent day because the teris Attack the plane and It crash Into the twin
    tower and the other plane crash
    Into the penagon.

  11. Evan Says:

    It is a big difference from 8 years ago for bringing liquids and letter openers on the plane.
    You could bring liquids because there was no limit of water or bringing your own water bottle.You could bring letter openers because you could bring sharp things. Before September 11 2001,people got to see their families before you got on the plane at the gate.It was fun to see families.On September 11,2001 there were plane crashes in New york and Washington D.C.The crash was caused by people from different countries who wanted to hurt and ruin our lives.Now we couldn’t bring sharp items.We could bring liquids but a small amount because for our safety.

  12. Charlize Says:

    When I was 4 I lost my favorite blanket.I was so sad.I learned I have to be responsible.

  13. Tara Says:

    I’m wondering why somebody would hate us so much that they were willing to die with the other people on the plane.

  14. Kalista Says:

    I learned that one person listened to a bad person!I can’t imagine doing that.Who would listen to a bad person?

  15. Camille Says:

    Sometimes, people just don’t like us like how those terrorists hated our country, America, that bad.. Those terrorists were willing to give up there lives all because they hated America. Yeah, that bad. Hey, I’m talking MONUMENTAL. If we all work together, we won’t have any fights and not get along. We’re all in this together!

  16. Mrs. Nakamoto Says:

    Kalista, you made an interesting comment. Everyone, how do you decide if someone is a “bad person?” Do you think it is possible to disagree with someone and still be friends with them?

  17. Caitlin Says:

    I remember that I had to keep trying to jump rope. It was important because I learned that you have to keep trying when you learn new things.

  18. Pu'uwai Says:

    3 years ago me and my grandma marched in the 911 parade with the Fire Department people to remember all the families that lost their moms, dads, grandpa and grandmas because of terrorist attack. It so sad that people died because of the hate that the terrorist felt against the Americans. I am happy that we are still free because we live in the USA. I learned that hating people is very bad and only bad things happen when you hate something.

  19. Trent Says:

    I think that History is bad because the people with knives told the pilot to crash into a building or else I will kill you. Another reason is because when the plane crashes into the building, many people die.

  20. Esther Says:

    My uncle Francis went to war for one year.It was New Year’s Eve when he said his good bye’s to all of us the family. It was a very sad, sad night to see him leave. I was crying so much and hugged him tight. He left us to fight for our safety. It was important because my uncle helped keep me safe.

  21. Hunter Says:

    On september 11th I learned that the flags go half staff to remind you of the people who died. And why do the terrorsts think that we are there enemy?

  22. Dylan Says:

    Who would want to declare war?And if anyone did declare war,aren`t they risking our island with war?

  23. Dylan Says:

    I agree Hunter,why?

  24. Dylan Says:

    The news shocked me when I heared that a plane crashed into the Twin towers.Why would someone want to be a terrorist.I think that we are blessed to have an army and that they are protecting our state.If I were in the army,I would fight as hard as I could to protect our state.

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