Ron’s Big Mission

September 23rd, 2009 by tinakamo

Ron's Big Mission

We’ve been discussing the book, Ron’s Big Mission, by Rose Blue and Corinne J. Naden.  Some of the words that came up in our discussions are POWER (who has it?  how do they get it?), MONEY, FAIR  (is this the same as “equal?”) and CHANGE.  Ron felt so strongly about his mission that he stood up to adults, including police officers, to complete it. Is there any “mission” (real or imagined) you feel that strongly about? Please explain.  You may also comment on our class discussions about this topic.

Posted in General Discussion, Literature Discussions, Social Studies | 32 Comments »

32 Responses

  1. Dylan Says:

    I think Ron was important to many people.I think if Ron did not make this change,I would be very mad.

  2. Mrs. Nakamoto Says:


    Why would you be mad if Ron didn’t make the change? Please tell us your thoughts…

  3. Kalista Says:

    I wonder why Ron couldn’t borrow any books?I would do that BIG BIG BIG change.I would say thats not fair to the black people!

  4. Mrs. Nakamoto Says:


    Where would you get the POWER to try to make the change? Would you have gone about the change the same way as Ron? Or would you have done something different?

  5. Pono Says:

    If I was in the Airforce and only white people can fly air planes I would make a change. I woulde go on to the airplane and if the white people try to stop me and they said get out I would stay in. Then the officer comes out and he says get out I will stay in then they call the cops they say get out I stay in then the officer says black poeple can now fly air planes.

  6. Pono Says:

    I agree with you Dylan.

  7. koalii Says:

    Ron was like Rosa parks because
    she went on the bus and this
    white man told rosa… to get off her seat and she said no and he called the police and she got arested

  8. Bailey Says:

    In order to have power, you must be elected. If I was elected I would make a change by making laws to be fair to all people no matter what nationality. Back in those days, most white people were very selfish and mean. Whites should have been more kind to black people.

  9. Camille Says:

    I agree.In order to have power, You can’t face your fears.You have to turn them around and look toward your strenths.what you can or can’t do, doesn’t make you different from anyone else. Blacks should be treated the way whites do.After all what’s the difference between blacks and
    whites? The only difference is the skin color.

  10. Evan Says:

    Ron got power to change the rules for African/Americans to check-out books from the library.I think it was important for Ron to change the rules for borrowing books.I think it was important because he wanted African/Americans to borrow books to make it fair.

  11. Keanu Says:

    Ron had a big mission.He wanted to borrow books but he was a black boy.When Mrs. Fielding asked Ron for his to books to borrow,ron said no.Then Mrs.Fielding said but Ron,only white people can check out books.Ron wanted to make a change.

  12. Mrs. Sumida Says:

    Wow, Mrs. Nakamoto told me about this story and I love the ideas you’ve come up with about power and change. I TOTALLY agree with Camille’s suggestion to look toward our strengths and the strengths of others. This is the best way to make positive changes for everyone.

    It’s so true that skin color should not make a difference. I am just wondering why in the world people began judging others because of skin color?

  13. kalani Says:

    I dont have any “Missions” that I feel strongly about right now because I do not have any ideas of changes on my mind.

  14. Esther Says:

    I think that white people had
    moer money than the black people.
    But it isn’t fair.

  15. Hunter Says:

    I think Ron’s big mission was important to black people because black people want to borrow books from the library. And Ron did not change the ruls just for him, he changed it for other black people.

  16. Mrs. Nakamoto Says:


    What did you think of Ron’s mission? Would you want to make a change if all boys weren’t allowed to check books out of the library? How would you feel if all people of Hawaiian ancestry weren’t allowed to check books out of the library?

  17. Charlize Says:

    I think people earned power by standing up for what they believed in and working hard for what they have.

  18. Caitlin Says:

    I have a mission to stop students from bullying and bossing other students around.
    When I see students bullying and bossing other students around, I will tell them to stop and tell an adult. I feel strongly about this because I can help students be safe and happy.

  19. Pu'uwai Says:

    When you feel really strongly about something and is determined you gain power anyone can have it. You get it by having inner strength. No, money, change and fair is not equal. Some have more than others, not everything is fair and change can sometimes be good like in Ron’s case. I have strong feelings about people being treated differently because of how they look, live, color, school,foods we eat,and dress. People judge other people around them and they shouldn’t. God created all of us to be equal and love one another instead of bossing people around and teasing them.

  20. Trent Says:

    I think Ron should change the rules because for brown people to check out books its not fair for them. They should be able to check them out before. I’m thinking that they should do the same in other states too. Only if they had a library.

  21. Kason Says:

    I think if Ron didn’t make a change the rule’s would be the same and black people would be treated badly and white people would still be teasing black people. Yes, I would like to make a change if Hawaiians were not allowed to borrow books at the library because I really like the library and practicing reading to my brother in the library. To me the library feels like a whole other world and just brings out the best in me. I also think it would not be fair just as it was with the black people back then.

  22. Noelani Says:

    I think that it was a good idea! for Ron to change the rules!
    because if I could not go to the
    Library and check out books then I would try to change the rules to.Just like Kason.

  23. keenyn Says:

    I think that Ron made a chag becasus he wonted the blak pople to bowwroow books

  24. Kia`i Says:

    If I had no card I wold ask for a card.

  25. Tara Says:

    if back then I was there i would stand up to the person who made sports for men only.Whoever made that BIG CHANGE so girls could play, I would thank them.

  26. Pono Says:

    I think Ron made that change because he new other black people like to read books.

  27. Pono Says:

    I think he wanted to think abut his friends.

  28. Pono Says:

    I think he wanted to make the change because he wanted to let black and white people to borrow books to.

  29. charlize Says:

    I think Ron made a big change because it is not fair to black people.

  30. kalani Says:

    I think that Ron wanted to make a change because he new other black people that wanted to borrow books.

  31. Dylan Says:

    Are you sure Kalani?

  32. Camille Says:

    I don’t totally agree with you, kalani. I think there’s another possibility.

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