Enough for the Class?

September 2nd, 2009 by tinakamo

My friendʻs class has 28 students in it. She brings a pizza to school for her class and when she slices it, there are 12 pieces. If she orders another pizza and slices it into 12 pieces, will there be enough for each student to eat one piece? Are there any extra pieces? If there arenʻt enough pieces, how many more does she need? How did you find your answer?

Posted in Mathematics | 9 Comments »

9 Responses

  1. kalani Says:

    Your freind needs 4 more peices because 12+12=24 and in order to get 28, your freind needs to get 4 more slices of pizza.

  2. Camille Says:

    Kalani,I was thinking the same thing!

  3. Bailey Says:

    There is not enough for each student.You need 4 more slices to be enough for the whole class.12+12=24+4=28 slices of pizza,then you will have enough for the whole class.

  4. Pu'uwai Says:

    One pizza equals 12, if you have 2 it will equal 24 slices. You will not have enough for 28 children. You still would need 4 more slices to equal 28.
    Pizza slices 12+12=24
    Kids – pizza slices= how many more you need 28-24= 4 more slices needed.

  5. Evan Says:

    If you have 28 students,you need 28 pizza slices,so she brings 2 boxes and slices them in to 12 but there are not 28 slices. There are 24. So she goes back to the pizza store and buys one more pizza. She needs 4 more slices because 24 +4=28.

  6. Kalista Says:

    1 .there won’t be enough.2. there will be no extras.3. she will need 4 more slices.5. i got my answer from adding 12+12 and it equaled 24,but we need 28.so when i added 4 then it equaled 28.That was what we needed.Thats how i got my answer.

  7. Camille Says:

    28 students?No,that won’t be enough.Not even with 2 boxes of pizzas. 12 in each,right?12+12=24.The friend needs 1 more box four 4 more and she/he can give the rest to the teachers.He/she needs 6 boxes of pizza if everyone gets to have 2 pieces of pizza each.

  8. Camille Says:

    if 12×12=24,and there’s 28 students in the class,you need 4 more pieces of pizza.If you want everyone to have 3 pieces of pizza each, you need 36 slices of pizza.

  9. Camille Says:

    If there WERE 2 boxes, there will still not be enough. There were 3, yes. The extra can be given away or taken home.

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