Dig deep. Reach high.

September 15th, 2009 by tinakamo


At our first ‘Ohana service this school year, Kahu Cathy talked about this year’s theme, which was presented at Convocation. DIG DEEP. REACH HIGH. What does it mean to you?

Posted in General Discussion, Social Studies | 22 Comments »

22 Responses

  1. Pu'uwai Says:

    What it means to me is to look deep in your heart believe in yourself and reach high and be the best I can be. If you anchor yourself when you are reaching high you will reach your goal without just floating around.

  2. Pu'uwai Says:

    oops I forgot. When I grow with Jesus and listen to what he teaches me, I will grow as tall as the tallest tree because God has taught me to believe in him and myself.

  3. Kiai Says:

    Dig deep in my harte to be kinde. And reach high to get a job and reach for God and be good to your body.

  4. Tara Says:

    I dig deep by putting my roots in
    God so he can show me the way. Dig
    deep means to me is to dig and every year I can go farther.
    I reach high by figuring out what my goals will be and to try and listen so I can learn new stuff every day. I think reach high is like a ladder where we take one step at a time.I think the meaning for this is to be the best I can be.

  5. Trent Says:

    Dig deep is about my roots in side me. My roots are Gods roots and when I make a mistake hes always in my roots and tells me what to do. Reach High is about my goals its not about reaching to something my goals are to listen to Gods rules and His rules are really simple and I listen to them.

  6. Keanu Says:

    We talked about digging deep,and reaching high.I learned that if you dig deep in your heart,that’s where your love is.And if you reach high,you reach to all your goals.

  7. bailey Says:

    The roots is what are you going to accomplish. Like one of my roots are going to be is god. The leaves
    are your goals. Like one of my goals are to focus in class and out of class. The trunk will be what are you going to do. Like I am going to focus what I am doing today.

  8. Pono Says:

    I think reach high means your goals or your faith. I reach high to try my best and better. I dig deep by puting my roots in God so He can hold me down.

  9. Puuwai Says:

    Dig Deep

    Dig deep means to dig very deep down and to believe in god and if you dig very deep in your heart you will get close to Him. I believe that god is a root of me but not just Him also my whole famliy to I also believe in Him because He gives me another chance for all the things I did wrong.

    Reach High

    Reach high means to work on what I am doing a lot and its kind of like to reach really high for yourself and to really really reach your own goal not someone else’s goal.


    Both is to dig deep then you can reach really really high and you can grow higher.

  10. Tara Says:

    I DIG DEEP and looking for god because he will tell me the right thing to do. I REACH HIGH by growing in to god so he can show me
    the right path if I am on the wrong path.

  11. Camille Says:

    Dig Deep,
    Reach High

    Dig Deep:
    I’m not always nice to
    my younger sister,so
    I want to dig deep in
    loving my ohana.

    Reach High:
    I sometimes need help
    with things,so i want
    to reach high in my
    faith for god.

  12. Dylan Says:

    Being helpful is important to me.I don`t think i`m allways helpful,but God is helping me.My roots are God.I can rely on him.My other roots are my family.They are impotant to me.I am blessed with a twin brother.

  13. keenyn Says:

    Dig deep means that the roots give the tree water. I grow because my roots is inside me and I grow becasus my roots make me tall even if your not tall your roots can still help you get tall. And God is my roots becaue he helps me in my Life.

    Reach high means that you score your goals and reach high is when you can go to heven to God and say help me.

  14. caitlin Says:

    Dig deep reach high means reach your school and home goals like my home goals are go to sleep on time,eat fast and go to sleep on time. my school goal goals are finsh all my work on time and eat faster. My roots are God because when I get sad God helps me, my family because they take care of me, school because school helps me learn new things sports because sports is almost the only thing I do when I am bored or my free time and Peyton because she is almost the only one that makes me smile.

  15. Hunter Says:

    I’m going to dig deep and put my roots in god. And i’m going to reach high and grow up in him.

  16. Noelani Says:

    Dig Deep means Dig very deep into
    your heart all the time! and Reach
    High means Reach High to your goals and always remember to DIG DEEP and REACH HIGH!.And dont forget Dig Deep to your roots like my roots are my family,god and my

  17. charlize Says:

    I like your comment keenyn
    I think your comment is really really really really really great
    to me.

  18. kalista Says:

    Dig Deep means really try to plant yourself into Gods heart.It also means really try hard to think about others and really Dig Deep into your LOVING,JOYFUL,HAPPY heart. Reach high means really work hard to meet your goals.For exsample maybe I will be the president of the United States of America.

  19. koalii Says:

    for my goals are to be a professional
    football player

  20. Esther Says:

    I wantt to dig deep reach high by not leting one of my roots fall apart and by hellping pepol if thay fall or geting injured if thay bump in to someone. My roots are to reach for God.

  21. Evan Says:

    When I dig deep,it means that you should dig deep into your heart and roots.Reach high means that you should stretch your self out.One of the roots have God’s spirit in it.My roots have feelings and loveness.

  22. Puuwai Says:

    When I dig deep, is when I dig deep in my heart and reach high means you should stretch out your heart longer to be faithful in you.

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