
September 1st, 2009 by tinakamo


Pinduli was teased by animals who were teased by other animals who were also first teased by the same animals. Did you make any personal connections to the text? Have you ever been teased? If so, how did you feel? Have you ever teased anyone? If so, how did you feel afterward?

Posted in General Discussion, Literature Discussions, Social Studies | 17 Comments »

17 Responses

  1. Tara Says:

    When Pinduli got teased it made me sad because the animals teased him
    because other animals teased them.

  2. Bailey Says:

    I feel bad after she teased me.And she’s 11 year old.

  3. kalista Says:

    I got teased by my friend before.I felt very sad. She said I was not smart.Her name is Angela.She is only 5.

  4. Evan Says:

    When I started 2nd grade,I got more used to being in room 15.We went to this 2nd grade playground called Kamamalu court which was my first time going to Kamamalu for recces.My 2nd grade teacher is Mrs.Nakamoto.We do quiet time like 1st grade but rest.

  5. keenyn Says:

    Pinduli was a baby hyena but he was hungry so his mom said donʻt go too far but he did not listen so he went to the water hole and a zedra was teseing him.

  6. Trent Says:

    I got teasd by my sister she teasd me a lot and I felt bad and I felt beter after.

  7. kalani Says:

    I once teased my little brother because there was food in his hair. I felt bad.

  8. Mrs. Sumida Says:

    When I was a little girl, everyone teased my name because it rhymed with “banana”. At that time I would cry and hide in the bathroom at recess. Because of this, I never tease others because I know how it would make them feel. But I do think being teased made me tougher in the sense of “sticks and stone may break my bones but names will never hurt me”. What do you think?

  9. Camille Says:

    Tara,I agree with you. Inside myself,Pinduli just feels so cute to me.

  10. Noelani Says:

    I like the book about Pinduli because it told me how Pinduli got teased by other people and I got teased once.

  11. Caitlin Says:

    I agree with you Mrs. Sumida. I got teased by a kindergartener and I felt sad. I learned never to tease anyone because that might hurt their feelings.

  12. Pu'uwai Says:

    Yes, I have been teased before. I don’t like the way it feels because my feelings get hurt. I don’t remember if I teased anyone but if I did I am sorry. I would not like it if someone teased me so if I tease someone they must feel the same way I do. It doesn’t feel good!

  13. Puuwai Says:

    This book pinduli is about a hiena how she got teased from animals that got teased back so pinduli trickt them. I was just like pinduli because I was teased like he was in the book pinduli.

  14. Janell Cannon Says:

    I doubt if anyone gets through life without being teased in a negative way. I remember many incidents at school and at home when others gave me a hard time or made fun of me. The main thing to remember is that, like in the story of Pinduli, the ones who tease others are usually trying to make themselves feel better because they don’t like something about themselves…….and that’s often because someone teased THEM!

    I believe it is a choice we all have whether to pass along negative emotions, or to question them and decide to NOT pass them along to someone else.

    If you look in the front cover page of the book Pinduli, there are drawings of how the animals are passing along nasty comments to one another, and Pinduli runs off the page to get away from their awfulness. On the very back page, the animals have learned that it is just as easy to pass along nice comments, and life in general becomes much more pleasant for everyone when respect is passed along instead of disrespect.

    The world is a much more interesting place when we can all spend our time and energy on learning, enjoying this phenomenal world, and generally getting smarter in the way we live our lives. This often starts by choosing respect over disrespect.

  15. Noe Says:

    This book is about Hyiena who got
    teased by other animals because the animals who teased Pinduli got
    teased to so they got mad and teased Pinduli.

  16. Mrs. Kawamata-Chang Says:

    It is so interesting to see how Janell Cannon is so “crafty” with the story within the pictures to give the readers additional information. I have been sharing this type of craft with my 6th graders, and I’m wondering if Mrs. Nakamoto’s 2nd graders are doing this with your book illustrations too! Remember, pictures tell stories too!

    🙂 Mrs. K-C (Mrs. Nakamoto’s “bff”)

  17. Kalista Says:

    I think that pinduli is a good book but a very sad book beacause pinduli got teased.I wonder why the animals passed around a very bad thing to do?I think thats very,very,very wrong.I woulden’t do that.If somebody told everybody to stop teasing I’d call that person a hero!I think thats called what goes around comes around.I think that beacause in kindergarden my teacher Mrs.Furuta told us that.But Mrs.Furuta retired.I think that what goes around comes around is a good phrase.I think what goes around comes around means that somebody does something to someone then that person pases it on.Like the game Telaphone.I once played Telaphone.But so far I liked Pinduli.

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