E ke poʻokumu, nā kākoʻo, nā kumu a me nā haumāna… A-LO-HA!
‘O ka lā ʻelima kēia o Kepakemapa
He Pōʻalima kēia.
He lā ʻekolu
Today is Friday, September 5, a Day 3
Lunch today: Beef Stew
Breakfast – Bin for Computers: A bin for the student laptops is available in the dining room during breakfast. It is located to right of the door as they enter the dining room.
Afterschool Hula Intersession:
For sign ups and more information, please see Kumu Kimo.
High School Sports:
– JV/Varsity football vs. Hilo tonight at Wong Stadium starting at 5:00 p.m.
I lā maikaʻi!