E ko Kamehameha Hawaiʻi ma ke kula waena nei… A-LO-HA!
‘O ka lā iwakālua kēia o ʻAukake
He Pōʻakahi kēia
He lā ʻehā
Today is Monday, August 20, Day 4
Lunch today: Hot Dogs w/ Bun
Breakfast on Tuesday: Cold Cereal
Hana kūpono challenge for this week:
Borrow Me Today at CRBLC!
My Life as a Stuntboy by Janet Tashjian
“Derek Fallon gets the opportunity of a lifetime―to be a stunt boy in a major movie featuring a pretty teen starlet. After accepting the job he learns that he is the star’s stunt double and must wear a wig! His friends are never going to let him live this down. If that weren’t his only problem, his parents are threatening to give away his pet monkey, and his best friend just posted an embarrassing video of him on Youtube. Can life get any worse? Still the irrepressible Derek takes it all in stride and even manages to save the day.” (Amazon.com)
Earn ʻOi Kelakela dollars for borrowing and reading this puke. Earn bonus ʻOK dollars for book talking it with Mrs. Helm.
Want to spend lunch recess at CRBLC? Follow these six steps:
- Access this link every morning on Poʻakahi, Poʻalua, and Poʻahā.
- Submit the Google form by morning break.
- Take your kamepiula, kelepona, puke, and/or haʻawina to lunch.
- Go to the CRBLC lunch line on your assigned side of Hāʻaeamahi.
- Enter, check off your inoa on the clipboard, leave items at your pākaukau, make your lunch, clean up, and wait to be dismissed.
- Remain at CRBLC for the entire recess.
So hele mai . . . no be shy. See you at CRBLC!
Do you know moʻolelo or puke that convey the manaʻo of kūpono? Then hele mai to CRBLC and share them with Aunty Nikki or Mrs. Helm. Earn ʻOi Kelakela dollars as a mahalo for enriching our ʻike about kūpono.
See Coach Linda Thompson for more details.
WHEN: Starts AUGUST 27th and Ends OCTOBER 25th
MONDAY’S AND THURSDAY’S (No practice October 4th – 11th)
TIME: 3:30PM – 5:30PM
Baseline Concussion Test – Students planning to take the test on August 13th and 20th, must meet at the middle school gym (tables), after school. Aunty Joye from the athletic department will walk students to the high school at 3:10 pm. Parents must arrange pick for their child at the high school (high school gym parking lot) at 4:45 pm
The first practice is scheduled for Monday, August 20. Only students who have completed their paperwork will be allowed to practice.
Practice Place/Days/Time. Practice will be in Laʻamea Gym from 3:30 – 5:30 pm. All practices for the month of August will be on Mondays and Thursdays.
What to wear/bring. Please wear shorts, t-shirt and court shoes. Also bring a great attitude!
Where to meet. Please go to the gym after school and wait at the tables with Mrs. Pacheco. You may change your clothes but do not leave your bag in the locker room. Also, do not enter the gym until a coach arrives.
Please see the volleyball website for current information. Coach Kaaa will be notifying students who are missing required athletic paperwork at lunch this week. Please complete the requirements this week so you may start practice next week.
Baseline Concussion Testing
Two baseline concussion tests will be offered in August. Anyone needing a baseline testing can do so on:
Today, Monday, August 20 at 3:30pm
Students needing a test should report to the high school athletic training room near the gymnasium with their laptops. Tests should take about 30-40 minutes.
Please contact an athletic trainer for clarification.
Remind App – sign up to receive all Middle School reminders (if you signed up last year, you need to sign up again for the new year)
see link for details – Remind invite
Upcoming Events:
- Picture Taking on Friday, August 24th – wear your uniform for pictures. Donʻt forget to order online or bring your picture order packet with you.
- Welcome Back Dance – Friday, Aug. 24th, 1:15-2:35 in Hāʻaeamahi Dining Hall – wear black and white attire (change after you take your pictures). Please be appropriate with your choices.
I lā maikaʻi!