E ke kula waena ʻo Kamehameha… aloha nui iā kākou a pau, A-LO-HA!
‘O ka lā iwakāluakūmālua kēia o Mei
He Po‘alua kēia
Today is Tuesday, May 22, Grade Level Special Schedules
Lunch Today is: Chicken Alfredo
Students with outstanding detention obligations will be required to attend a mandatory session during Paʻina Day activities on Thursday, 05/24/18. If a student is not able to fulfill their obligations by the end of the day on Thursday 05/24/18, he/she will be required to report to school on Friday 05/25/18 at 7:45 am. Students who are required to complete detention obligations on Friday 05/25/18 will need to bring a home lunch and arrange for transportation on their own.
Yearbooks – once you are cleared of all obligations, please see Mrs. Ah Chong for your yearbook.
Feedback on Papa ʻEonoʻs comics results:
Leeʻs advisory came in first with Bowmanʻs advisory close behind; so, both advisories will get to enjoy homemade cupcakes on Wednesday morning in Mrs. Leeʻs room before school starts! Mahalo nui to all students who went to the CRBLC to read our comics!
Speak for the Trees, Earn ‘Oi Kelakela $$! Trade in Kukui nut trees for ‘Oi Kelakela Dollars! Click HERE for more information
THE ZONE is Open! Today is the Last Day!
7:15am – 3:15pm. All prices have been marked down.
THE ZONE End-of-the-Year Survey
Your manaʻo helps to determine how THE ZONE operates. Please complete this survey and provide us with your honest feedback. Mahalo!
Upcoming Events:
- Last Day of School – Thursday, May 24 – come to school in Special Events Attire – white unifrom polos and boys in long uniform pants and girls in uniform skirts. Bring swimsuits, towels, slippers and change of clothes for Pāʻina.
I lā maikaʻi!