He Po’alua kēia
He lā ʻehā
Today is Tuesday, September 26, Day 4
Lunch today: Pork Longrice
Any student with Outstanding Detention Hours at the end of the day on Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2017, will need to stay for MANDATORY After School Detention from 2:45 – 5:00 pm with Mr. Chow. Please make sure you bring clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty. Any questions, please see Mr. Chow or Aunty Crystal.
CRBLC Lunch Recess Sign Up
Go to Mrs. Helm’s blog on the MS homepage to sign up. Look for the link, CRB-Helm, on the left sidebar. Mahalo!
THE ZONE – Name That Smoothie Contest
Help us name our banana, apple juice, and ice smoothie for Thursday’s grand opening and win a THE ZONE PUNCH CARD for five, free beverages. We’re looking for a unique smoothie name related to a book, author, character, quote . . . anything connected to CRBLC. If you’re interested in winning, click here to enter. The contest closes at 3pm on Tuesday. Good luck!
Borrow Me at CRBLC!
Boruto by Masashi Kishimoto – “A new generation of ninja are ready to take the stage, led by Naruto’s own son, Boruto!”
CRBLC Movie of the Week:
Eragon (view the trailer)
Middle School Volleyball
Kamehameha Middle School will be hosting a middle school tournament on Saturday, September 30 in Laʻamea gym. Black, blue and white team parents will be asked to work and donate items for this event. Please see the following link for more details.
Game schedule for September 30 middle school tournament:
Practice Schedule – Click on the link to view the September practice schedule:
Black Team P&R Schedule link:
Upcoming Events
~ Picture retakes on Wednesday, Sept. 27th for those that were absent or would like to retake. Please be sure to bring your picture packet back to be able to retake your picture
~ Aloha Friday starting on Sept. 29th – Aloha wear Fridays will be designated once a month (usually the last Friday of the month). Please be aware of the Aloha Wear guidelines, see handbook information below:
I lā maikaʻi!