Mai ka piʻina a ka lā i Haʻehaʻe, a i ka mole ʻolu ʻo Lehua… welina mai kākou
He Poʻahā kēia
He lā ʻekolu
Lunch today: Chili Weenie
Lokomaika’i Angel Tree
Christmas is around the corner and we will be doing our Lokomaika’i Angel Tree once again! With a donation of $1, you will get your own angel to decorate which will then be placed on our Angel Tree. Your donation will be used to buy gifts for less-fortunate children in Hawai’i. We look forward to seeing you at the Lokomaika‘i Angel Tree table fronting Kamākaʻimoku building during morning recess from December 12-15! Mahalo for supporting in the spirit of Lokomaika’i!
We’re down to our top 8 innovations: The Seatbelt vs. Currency, Electricity vs. Fire, Water Filtration vs. The Hospital, & The Refrigerator vs. The Wheel. It’s up to you to help your favorites make it to the top four. You’ve got only today to vote, so click here or visit to help us determine the greatest innovation in human history. Mahalo
Papa ʻEono Students, please log in to the Papa ʻEono Group in Google Classroom and read the “Letʻs Make a Mosaic” assignment. Please submit your required photos for our mosaic no later than Monday, December 19th.
CRBLC Two-Day BONUS Activity:
Come to the learning center this Thursday and Friday before school, at recess, during class (prior approval with Mrs. Helm needed), and after school for silent sustained reading. Earn 20 ‘Apu Lanakila points for every minute spent reading. If the entire advisory comes and reads, points will be doubled!
CRBLC Kēkēmapa Incentive Activities:
Earn ‘Apu Lanakila points by completing December’s Incentive Activities. It started on 12/2/16 and finishes on 12/16/16. Have fun and see you at the Learning Center!
CRBLC Movie of the Week:
In celebration of Ke Ali’i Bernice Pauahi Bishop’s birthday, we’ll be showing Nā ʻĀina Hoʻoilina o Kamehameha. This short film highlights the Kamehameha genealogy, the acquisition of their lands, the Bishop Estate, and the Kamehameha Schools.
Borrow Me!
Nā ʻĀina Hoʻoilina o Kamehameha Kamehameha Schools’ Historic Land Lineage – “Details the genealogy of the Kamehameha family since the warrior chief Kamehameha I conquered and united the islands. Tied to this is the story of the acquisition of the family’s lands, their transmission within the family, and their subsequent consolidation into the Bishop Estate by Bernice Pauahi Bishop, great-granddaughter of Kamehameha I. Viewers come to know that the purpose of the landed estate is to support the Kamehameha Schools, and that they are stewards of this critical resource, now and for centuries to come. The estate and the Schools formerly carried separate names; today both are known collectively as the Kamehameha Schools.”
Middle School Sports:
Cheerleading – Mondays 3:30-5:30 and Wednesdays 2:30-5:30
Girls Basketball – Practice Monday, Thursday, and Friday from 3:00-5:30 in Laʻamea
The Kamehameha Schools Hawaii Campus Water Polo Team will be conducting swim lessons during the winter break. Classes will run at the following schedule:
Monday/Wednesday/Friday Classes (Levels 1 through 4)
December 21 – January 6
11:00 – 11:40am
11:45 – 12:25pm
12:30 – 1:10pm
1:15 – 1:55pm
Tuesday/Thursday Classes (Levels 1 through 4)
December 20 – January 5.
11:00 – 11:45am
12:00- 12:45pm
1:00 – 1:45pm
The cost of classes is $50 per session. Water Temperature is warm (Heaters are on).
This is a fundraising effort for the water polo team
You can register for classes by emailing: [email protected].
Upcoming Events:
~ Wear Red, White, and Green on Friday, 12/16/16
~ Astronaut Ellison Onizuka Science Day – see flyer for details – onizuka-day-poster-17
I lā maikaʻi!