E ko Kamehameha Hawaiʻi ma ke kula waena nei… aloha mai kākou
‘O ka lā iwakālua kēia o ‘Aukake
He Poʻahā kēia
He lā ʻekolu
Today is Thursday, August 20, Day 3
Lunch today: BBQ Chicken
Congratulations to our new 6th Grade ASKMS Delegates:
Lehia Coloma (Lead)
Colby Terlep
Kūlia DeRamos
Calleigh-Rose Lee
Middle School Sports:
Girls Volleyball PracticeFor the month of August, practices will be on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday in Laamea gym from 3:30 to 5:30 pm. Girls must meet at the bus ramp after school. A coach will come and get the girls to take them to the gym. Wear practice shorts, t-shirt and court shoes. Please see Mr. Kaaa’s blog for theAugust practice schedule or see him if you have any questions.
Upcoming Events:
* Welcome Back Dance this Friday, Aug. 21 – wear black and white to school. Please make appropriate choices – see handbook. No spaghetti straps, back-less tops or low-cut tops. Shorts & skirts should be fingertip or below. No slippers! Sandals must have a back strap with a low heel. Black or white hats are allowed.
I lā maikaʻi!