Mai Hawai‘i nui o Keawe a i ka mole ʻo Lehua… aloha nui iā kākou a pau, A-LO-HA!
‘O ka lā ʻelua kēia o Kepakemapa
He Pōʻlua kēia
He lā ʻewalu
Today is Tuesday, September 2, a Day 8(4)
Lunch today: Shoyu Chicken
Students should not be accessing any social media site during class time without permission of the teacher. Our Kula Waena utilizes LAN School, which is a special program where teachers, administrators, etc. can see exactly what each laptop is doing at any time. Please do not “chance it” … students have already been caught for this type of infraction.
Baseline concussion testing for all middle school volleyball players with be Thursday, September 4 at Kekuʻiapoiwa (high school learning center). Check-in is at 3:30pm. The test consists of two portions that will last approximately 45 minutes to an hour total. Volleyball coaches can verify if a student needs a concussion baseline test as well as other pre-participation requirements. Parents and students may also contact an athletic trainer for further clarification (982-0632). The next baseline concussion test is scheduled for November.
Afterschool Hula Intersession:
For sign ups and more information, please see Kumu Kimo.
MS Sports:
Girls Volleyball – Practice for this week is Tuesday and Thursday 3:30 – 5:30 in the middle school gym. Meet at the bus ramp and wait for Mr. Kaaa. Attire for practice is shorts or tights, t-shirt and gym shoes. You cannot practice with your school uniform. Please arrange for transportation home after practice. For those who need to do concussion testing, please complete it this Thursday! See Mr. Kaaa if you have any questions.
MS Cross Country – Cross Country will begin on Thursday, Sept. 4th, 3:30 to 5:30.
Upcoming Events:
- ʻOi Kelakela shirt day and Upload to KS Connect tomorrow, 9/3
- Picture Taking Day on Friday, 9/5
I lā maikaʻi!