
Sociology [KHO3153 (Alt 11, 12)] AthleticApproved_image

Semester Course

Prerequisite: None

Open to Grades 11 and 12

Sociology is the study of group behavior through venues such as culture, relationships, social structures, social problems, and social change.  Sociological concepts will be learned through group work, observations and analyzing society via media including movies, television, the Internet, and articles.  Students may be asked to participate in the community in order to promote civic engagement and hopefully, a sense of connection and responsibility towards their social environment. The goal of this class is to expose students to new perspectives in order to bring awareness to their social environment and be able to make informed and educated choices.

Sociology Course Syllabus Link

Dual Credit for Sociology [KHO 3267 (Alt 11, 12)] SOC 1000, Hawai‘i Pacific University NEW! AthleticApproved_imageDual_Credit_image

Semester Course

Prerequisite: None

Students must complete the Hawai‘i Pacific University and KHS paperwork in order to be enrolled in this dual credit course. Students who do NOT complete paperwork will be registered into the non-DC course.