Hawaiian History


Students are required to complete one of these courses in either grade 11 or 12.  Enrollment in the honors section is by recommendation of the teacher and approval of the counselor only.

Hawaiian History [KHO3207]

Semester Course

Prerequisite: None.

The primary goals of the Hawaiian History course are that 1) Students will see the importance of cause/effect relationships, 2) Students will develop skills critical for future success (i.e. critical thinking, writing, working with others, technology application), and 3) Students will develop a love for learning and an appreciation of history.  Students will achieve these goals by understanding how numerous historical events and people affected previous generations of Hawaiians and how these events continue to influence people.  The main focus of this course begins with the Development of a Classical Hawaiian Society and continues through to our contemporary setting.  Stressed throughout the course are Hawaiian concepts, events, people, places, and values that have shaped the history of the Hawaiian people.

REQUIRED PURCHASE: Purchase of text/materials may be required (estimated cost is $15.00).

Hawaiian History Course Syllabus Link