World History


Students are required to complete one of the following courses.  Usually, the requirement is met by taking World History.  Enrollment in the honors or advanced placement section is by recommendation of the teacher and approval of the counselor only.

World History [KHO3170]

Year Course

Prerequisite: None

World History is a record of the adventures of humankind with major emphasis placed on four themes: Leadership, Conflict, Globalization, and Affecting Change.  Leadership introduces students to world leaders and how they develop and change the world.  The conflicting theme includes wars, revolutions, and misunderstandings that have altered the world. The globalization theme is designed to better understand other cultures, economies, and governments so as to better understand the interconnection of today’s world.  Affecting change is the culminating theme as students use leadership skills to attempt to reduce conflict and improve international relations in the world today. Students will examine these themes using multiple teaching and learning strategies through reading and writing-intensive courses.

World History Course Syllabus Link