E ke poʻokumu, nā kākoʻo, nā kumu a me nā haumāna… welina mai kākou
O ka lā ʻumikūmāwalu kēia o Kekemapa
He Pōʻakolu kēia
He lā ʻelima
Today is Wednesday, December 18, Day 5
Lunch Today: Week in Review
Kamehameha Wrestling
Looking for a sweet treat? Come to the Bradda Pops Sale (outside Laʻamea Gym) Wednesday, December 18 to Thursday, December 19 during morning break.
Money raised will help support future off island travel. If you have further questions see Mr. Masuko.
Poʻakolu’s Borrow Me! Pauahi Puke
Princess Pauahi Bishop and Her Legacy by Cobey Black & Kathleen Dickenson Mellen – “A biography of the princess and a commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Kamehameha Schools.” (Follett Destiny)
CRBLC Showing of the Week in Celebration of Founder’s Day– Nā ʻĀina Hoʻoilina o Kamehameha: Kamehameha Schools’ Historic Land Lineage – “Details the genealogy of the Kamehameha family since the warrior chief Kamehameha I conquered and united the islands. Tied to this is the story of the acquisition of the family’s lands, their transmission within the family, and their subsequent consolidation into the Bishop Estate by Bernice Pauahi Bishop, great-granddaughter of Kamehameha I. Viewers come to know that the purpose of the landed estate is to support the Kamehameha Schools, and that they are stewards of this critical resource, now and for centuries to come. The estate and the Schools formerly carried separate names; today both are known collectively as the Kamehameha Schools.”(Follett Destiny)
CRBLC Make-and-Take Christmas Corner Bookmarks – Create a bookmark for your favorite book or friend. It’s the perfect, handmade gift for sharing Christmas joy!
Upcoming Events:
Founderʻs Day – Thursday, 12/19 – wear Special Events attire – white uniform polos, boys in long uniform pants and girls in uniform skirts.
No laptops are to be brought to school tomorrow.
Early Release at 11:30
I lā maikaʻi!