E ke kula waena ʻo Kamehameha… aloha nui iā kākou a pau, A-LO-HA!
‘O ka lā ʻumikūmāhā kēia o ʻApelila
He Pōʻakahi kēia.
He lā ʻeono
Today is Monday, April 14, a Day 6
Lunch today: Chicken Alfredo with Linguini
Lunar Eclipse tonight, Monday!
The Hawaiian Islands are well-placed to get a view of this total lunar eclipse from start to finish. During a lunar eclipse, the earth passes in between the sun and the full moon, and blocks much of the sun’s light from striking the moon.
The April 14 lunar eclipse will be visible from 7:58p.m. to 11:33 pm on April 14 in the Hawaiian Islands; the total phase, when the moon turns very dark and possibly blood red, will run from 9:06 p.m. to 10:24 p.m.
This eclipse technically starts at 6:53 p.m., shortly after the full moon rises at 6:42 p.m. However, for this first hour, you will see no change in the full moon’s appearance. This first phase of the lunar eclipse is called the ‘penumbral phrase’, as the moon starts to move into the fainter outer shadow, or penumbra, of the earth. The penumbral phase is of academic interest only; you will not see any change in the full moon’s brightness during this phase of the eclipseAt 7:58 p.m. The best time to see the eclipse will be starting from 9:06 to 10:24 pm tonight (Monday!!).
After school help with Mrs. Berryman: Is canceled for today. After school help will resume on April 21st.
ASKMS Officer Applications: All Application Packets are due today and essays are due Wednesday, 4/16.
Poema ʻInipakeke Day, Poem In Your Pocket Day, April 15
“He poema kāu?” “Do you have a poem?”
Join the entire campus in celebrating the joy of poetry on April 15. All you have to do is carry a poem in your pocket on that day and find a student, teacher or staff to share your poem with. Hopefully, they will also have a poem to share with you.
Here’s a bonus: Make sure to print your name/grade/advisor legibly on your poem. If you have shared your poem, get that person to sign your poem. Bring it to the CRBLC before April 23. It will be used to waive any current overdue fines. (This does not include lost book fees.) It will also be placed in a box for a drawing at lunch on April 23.
Upcoming Events Next Week:
• Easter Convocation today at 2:15 in WCLC
• Grade 6 Hilo/Volcano Huakaʻi on April 15-16
• No School on Thursday, 4/17, and Friday, 4/18 for Teacher In-Service and Good Friday
• Concert Rehearsal for 7th/8th Grade Band and Percussion Ensemble on Wednesday, 4/16, from 3:30-5:00
• KS Band Festival on Thursday, 4/17, at 5:30 p.m. in WCLC
• Hawaiian Ensemble to perform at opening of Merrie Monarch on Sunday, 4/20 at Coconut Island
MS Sports:
• Boys Basketball game tomorrow, 4/15 at Andrews Gym at 5:45
• Boys Basketball game on Thursday, 4/17 at Papaikou Gym at 7:00
• Boys and Girls soccer games on Saturday, 4/19 at Parker Ranch Field 3 at 11:10 and 2:20
I lā maikaʻi!