Assignment 9/24/15

Chapter 2 Tree Graph Corrections

Seek knowledge by comparing your notes from the class presentations to mine.

  1. Take out your Breaking Down Histories: European Exploration and Settlement Tree Graph.
  2. Open the Ch. 2 Tree Graph in google classroom. (You can print a copy if you prefer.)
  3. Read and compare your notes with mine.
  4. Using two different colors of pen or highlighter,
    1. Correct any errors (1st color), and
    2. Add any main ideas or details you did not get (2nd color).
  5. Your color-coded notes will be given a formative score. Due 9/28 (even) 9/29 (odd).
  6. You are responsible to know the information for each section.

Make-up Assignment 9/22/15

Native American Cultural Regions in the U.S. – Map Activity

This assignment is for make-up points on the Native American Cultural Regions Quiz.

Directions: On the copy of the Cultural Regions map you receive in class, illustrate the 8 cultural regions that are in the current U.S.A. Draw pictures and/or icons to show:

  • Geography (extra credit for labeled mountain ranges & rivers in the right places)
    • Northwest: thick forests, much rain, Pacific coast, cold winters
    • California: winter rains, hot summers, tall forests, diverse environments including mountains, foothills, desert
    • Great Basin: desert, low area between mountains, few plants, extreme heat/cold
    • Plateau: dense forest on mountains, flat dry center, 2 big rivers
    • Southwest: mountains, deserts, 2 big rivers, hot and dry
    • Great Plains: 2,000 miles of treeless grasslands
    • Eastern Woodlands: endless forests, lakes, streams; winter snow, summer rain
    • Southeast: fertile coastal plains, swamps, humid & hot, mild winters
  • Three cultural characteristics shown on the placards (Cultural Region Placards).

Be sure to label each illustration or icon. Turn in to Kumu Prana by Wednesday, September 30.

Assignment 9/18/15

Breaking Down Histories of European Exploration and Settlement

  1. Groups have been assigned a section of Chapter 2 in History Alive! ( at or hardback copy) to read and teach to the class.
  2. Slides available in Google Classroom
    1. Groups choose which slides each student will do
    2. All need 1 – 3  green slides and 1 magenta slide.
  3. Read the directions slide carefully. Key points:
    1. Read the text carefully;
    2. Put together clear answers;
    3. Max 6 bullets per slide;
    4. Max 5 words per bullet; and
    5. Think: Whose stories matter?
  4. Groups will prep briefly and then present on 9/22 (odd) and 9/23 (even). This is a formative assignment.

Assignments 9/15/2015

  1. Use your Native American Artifacts Chart and the Cultural Region Placards to make a study tool: flashcards, learning diagrams, quizlet set, or powerpoint.
    1. Include information on each cultural region, including
      1. main geographic features
      2. food
      3. dress
      4. housing
    2. HINT: I expect you to know most about the artifacts on the placards. If you need copies, send me an email at; I will forward a copy.
    3. STUDY for Quiz on 9/16 (even) and 9/17 (odd).
  2. Complete the Geography Challenge in History Alive! online ( Chapter One, first menu item.