Oscar and Alphonse

June 26th, 2009 by tinakamo


Harris Burdick started this one with…
She knew it was time to send them back. The caterpillars softly wiggled in her hand, spelling out ‘goodbye.’

Posted in Chris Van Allsburg, General Discussion, Literature Discussions, Writing | 6 Comments »

United We Serve

June 24th, 2009 by tinakamo


This week President Obama called on ALL Americans (young and older) to serve their communities in some way this summer.  More information is provided at serve.gov (there is a link on our blog roll).  The program is called United We Serve and is running from June 22 to September 11.  Our President is asking us to find ways to volunteer in areas such as education, health, energy and the environment.  Any thoughts on what you might do?  Let us know if you have ideas or if you do provide a service, tell us all about it.

Posted in General Discussion, Social Studies | 2 Comments »

Take a penny; get a burrito

June 23rd, 2009 by tinakamo


Have you seen the latest Taco Bell commercial with the man who runs around collecting pennies from the “take a penny” trays at different stores and restaurants (including a lemonade stand) around town? He uses the pennies he collects to pay for an $.89 burrito. What do you think about this commercial? Do you think it was “okay” for the man to “take” the pennies and use them to pay for his burrito? Any thoughts? Connections?

Posted in General Discussion | 8 Comments »

Whatcha been doin’?

June 8th, 2009 by tinakamo


You guys have been doing a FABULOUS job of keeping in touch this past week! I am so sorry that I haven’t been in contact. I was really busy last week volunteering at my former school. Today was the last day of school for their students, so now I get to check in with all of you. I miss you! Great to hear about Kristin’s game, Cayli’s trip to Vegas and Tanner’s upcoming trip. What else have you been up to? How about the Summer Reading list or the Summer Bible Reading? Anyone making any headway? I couldn’t find the books on the Summer Reading list at Border’s, but I’m gonna try to look at the State Library. I noticed some of you got on Ratty’s blog. Don’t forget to check him out all summer. And look for more Harris Burdick pics on our blog soon!

Posted in General Discussion, ‘Ohana | 28 Comments »

A Day at the Beach

May 22nd, 2009 by tinakamo


What a blast! Sun, water, food and fun! The only missing pieces were Jacob, Kala’i and Kamali’i, but we ate a little extra and swam a little more while thinking of them. Mahalo to our wonderful parents for helping to make this day so special!

As Emmy said, this year was a time spent with “Good Friends” and being together at Sans Souci was a great way to celebrate!

Posted in General Discussion, ‘Ohana | 36 Comments »

Emmy and the Home for Troubled Girls – The End

May 22nd, 2009 by tinakamo


We finished it! What did you think? What was your favorite part? Do you think Miss Barmy is ever coming back? If your blood was put on a slide and looked at under a charascope, what do you think we’d see?

Posted in Emmy and the ISR, General Discussion, Literature Discussions | 6 Comments »

Emmy and the Home for Troubled Girls Part II

May 15th, 2009 by tinakamo


We just finished Chapter 12 today and so much has happened! Cecilia is hurt. Emmy has found out that the girls are alive. And something or someone has fallen from the 2nd floor of the shoe shop.

But what I want to know is, have you ever felt the way Emmy did when she “lifted her shoulders and dropped them, as if trying to get the weight to slide off?” What was she feeling? If you’ve felt that way before, what made you feel that way?

Posted in Emmy and the ISR, General Discussion, Literature Discussions | 7 Comments »

How fast can YOU put on a fire safety suit?

May 11th, 2009 by tinakamo


Today we were fortunate to have Captain Melim (aka Hokupa’a’s dad) come to talk to us about fire safety.  What new information did you learn?  How will what you learned keep you safe if you are ever in a situation with fire or smoke?  Do you have any additional questions?

Posted in General Discussion | 40 Comments »

Pearl City Urban Garden

May 10th, 2009 by tinakamo


Last Tuesday we visited Pearl City Urban Garden on a field trip. What new things did you learn there? What did you observe or learn about at the garden that connected to our learning in school?

Posted in General Discussion, Science | 11 Comments »


May 1st, 2009 by tinakamo


Please share your comments about our Multicultural Festival. Did you learn anything new about the cultures represented? What did you enjoy most? Do you have any questions?

Posted in General Discussion, Social Studies | 22 Comments »

Ka Nupepa o Na Wai Ola

April 27th, 2009 by tinakamo

Last week we attended a wonderful play performed by the fifth grade classes. The different performances described the events leading to Hawai’i’s statehood. What did you learn? What information surprised you?

Posted in General Discussion, Social Studies | 15 Comments »

A Prayer for Peace

April 20th, 2009 by tinakamo


Today we learned about the true story of Sadako Sasaki and how she was affected by the atom bomb on Hiroshima during World War II. We also learned about the significance of the origami cranes that are created and brought to her statue in Hiroshima every year. What are your thoughts about the story? Your feelings? Any questions?

Posted in General Discussion, Literature Discussions, Social Studies | 21 Comments »


April 15th, 2009 by tinakamo


E komo mai! You will find fun updates and information about our ohana here! We hope youʻll check it out often!

Posted in ‘Ohana | 57 Comments »

Aloha to our friends in Oregon

April 15th, 2009 by tinakamo



We heard you are studying Hawaii Volcanoes National Park and are learning about the different animals there. This is a picture of a Nene, which was taken on the island of Molokai last year. The Nene is our state bird and one of the few places it can be found in the wild is in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. It is one of the animals on the federal endangered species list. We would love to “blog” with you about other animals in Hawaii and learn about the animals in Oregon. Have you ever seen a Nene? What is your favorite wild animal?

Posted in General Discussion, Science, Social Studies | 56 Comments »

Rules, rules, and more rules

April 14th, 2009 by tinakamo


On Thursday Ms. Perry reviewed the safety rules for swimming and she said, “there are rules for everything you do.” Do you think this is true? How do you feel about rules or guidelines at home and at school? Do you think we need them?

Posted in General Discussion | 14 Comments »

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