Command-Tab Part II

Thanks to Nate Javellana for this tip: When you use the Apple key and TAB key to scroll through applications that you have opened, you can also quit an application from the same menu. While continuing to hold the Apple key on your highlighted application, you can hit Q to quit.

Get Rid of Duplicate Songs in iTunes!

Here is a really cool feature in iTunes that is often overlooked:  “Show Duplicates”.  This is especially good for people that download music from multiple sources and don’t take the time to check each song that will be downloaded.  (I’m guilty of this!)

To have iTunes display a list of all duplicates, go to VIEW > SHOW DUPLICATES. You can then choose what to do with them.   You can press SHIFT and CLICK to select songs in consecutive order or you can press COMMAND (APPLE) and CLICK to select songs not in a random order.  Then hit DELETE.  iTunes will then ask you to move files to the trash or keep them at your iTunes folder.  You can decide what to do.

Have fun organizing your music!

Automator, Part 1

Automator is an innovative personal automation assistant that makes it easy to
automate repetitive tasks and is already on your laptop! Learn how to use this time-saving application to quickly and easily rename files.



This keyboard command allows you to quickly access your open applications and documents. Simply click and hold the APPLE key, then click the TAB key to scroll through the window that appears. When you find the application you’d like to open, let go of the TAB and APPLE keys. Have fun using this new command!