1. Assist Grade 3 w/ PowerPoint projects.
2. Assist Judy Cramer’s class w/ editing of iMua Video broadcast.
3. Work on production of JEM visitation iPhoto books.
1. Attend AV Workshop-Smartboard
2. Google Earth Training & Support-L.Duffy, Marine Science
3. Install & Test Science Software for Intel iMac-B. Riggs
1. Assist Grade 3 w/ PowerPoint projects.
2. Assist Judy Cramer’s class w/ editing of iMua Video broadcast.
3. Work on production of JEM visitation iPhoto books.
1. Attend AV Workshop-Smartboard
2. Google Earth Training & Support-L.Duffy, Marine Science
3. Install & Test Science Software for Intel iMac-B. Riggs
1. eSchool Conference
2. ETS-Instructional Monthly Mtg.
3. Apple Visitation Follow-Up Mtg.
1. ITMD Pilot Planning Meeting with Tina Winters
2. Google Earth Training & Support – Laura Duffy
3. Technology Conference flier & advertising
1. Online Course Storyboarding – S. Oliveira
2. Attend AV Workshop – Smartboard
3. ETS – Instructional Monthly Mtg