Emmy and the Home for Troubled Girls

April 12th, 2009 by tinakamo


We’ve been so busy lately that we’re only in Chapter 4 of Emmy and the Home for Troubled Girls.  What do you think so far?  Who do you think Ana, Merry, Lisa and Berit are?  What role do you think they are going to play in Emmy’s life?

Posted in Emmy and the ISR, Literature Discussions | 14 Comments »

Abracadabra… From ni’au to broom!

April 9th, 2009 by tinakamo

How fortunate we were to have a presentation by Aunty Pua and Uncle Hoku today!  How did you feel when you learned about the many uses of the coconut?  Do you have any other ideas for its use?  How about the process of making the broom?  How did that make you feel about people who make things like this without the use of machines?

Posted in General Discussion, Social Studies | 15 Comments »

Channeling Your Inner Oni/Jiso

April 9th, 2009 by tinakamo

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I know you had a wonderful time acting out stories with Mrs. Hackler today because you told me so! Why do you think you enjoy dramatic storytelling so much? Do you think it’s good for your health? If so, why? What does it allow you to do? Share your thoughts and feelings about drama with Mrs. Hackler (here on our blog).

Posted in General Discussion | 11 Comments »

Sportsmanship anyone?

April 9th, 2009 by tinakamo


Do you remember the story of the Western Oregon softball player who was carried around the bases by players from the opposing team to ensure her homerun would “count” when she was injured and couldn’t make it around the bases herself? How did you feel when I told the story?  What can you infer about the Central Washington players who carried the Western Oregon player around the bases?  Do you think you would have done the same thing?  Why or why not?

Posted in General Discussion | 5 Comments »

Playing with words

April 7th, 2009 by tinakamo


Playing with words is a way of life for us in Papa Hawai’iloa!  Today I shared this book with our class.  Any thoughts?  Any play?  Use your comments on this post to play around with words the way we do in class!

Posted in General Discussion, Writing | 24 Comments »

Mr. Linden’s Library

April 7th, 2009 by tinakamo


This photo from The Mysteries of Harris Burdick had the caption, “He had warned her about the book. Now it was too late.” What story can you tell?

Posted in Chris Van Allsburg | 33 Comments »

Lights, Camera, Action – Choose a Book

April 7th, 2009 by tinakamo


Today we went to our school book fair and each of you was able to choose a free book. Other than price, what factors did you consider when choosing your book? How do you usually choose a book to borrow or buy?

Posted in General Discussion, Literature Discussions | 14 Comments »

Byodo-In Temple

April 6th, 2009 by tinakamo


We went on a field trip to Byodo-In Temple today. Write about your experience. What did you enjoy? What did you notice? How did you feel in the meditation area?

Posted in General Discussion, Social Studies | 26 Comments »

Have a Heart

April 3rd, 2009 by tinakamo


You have been learning about your heart in Health lessons and in Guidance lessons.  How are the perspectives of these lessons different?  Could you live without a heart?  Why or why not?  What does your heart help you do?

Posted in General Discussion, Health | 20 Comments »

Life Without Limbs

March 29th, 2009 by tinakamo


Last week I talked about the incredible experience I’d had attending a service with Nick Vujicic as the main speaker.  Nick has no arms or legs and lives life to the fullest.  He travels the world and doesn’t let “life without limbs” limit him.  Do you remember some of the things we talked about in class regarding his message?  What can you infer about Nick?  What do you connect to or wonder about?

Posted in General Discussion | 27 Comments »

Under the Rug

March 20th, 2009 by tinakamo


Harris Burdick wrote, “Two weeks passed and it happened again” as the caption for this picture which he titled, “Under the Rug.” What’s the story? You tell us…

Posted in Chris Van Allsburg | 36 Comments »

Another Place, Another Time

March 18th, 2009 by tinakamo


What is the mystery of this picture? Harris Burdick titled it “Another Place, Another Time” with the caption, “If there was an answer he’d find it there.” Use your imagination to tell us the story…

Posted in Chris Van Allsburg | 38 Comments »

What does it mean to be “rich?”

March 16th, 2009 by tinakamo

In our literature discussions we’ve been blogging about whether or not we like the idea of being “rich.”  What does “being rich” mean to you?

Posted in General Discussion | 8 Comments »


March 13th, 2009 by tinakamo

We’ve been learning about insect life cycles and the stages they go through as they change. What changes have you gone through since you were born? What about during your time here at Kamehameha? Have all of the changes been positive?

Posted in General Discussion, Science | 15 Comments »

Emmy and the Incredible Shrinking Rat Part II

March 13th, 2009 by tinakamo

Some of you mentioned that reading Emmy and the Incredible Shrinking Rat made you change your minds about rats. Why do you think some people have a negative opinion of rats? Keeping that in mind, why do you think Lynne Jonell chose a rat as the main character in this story?

Posted in Emmy and the ISR, Literature Discussions | 43 Comments »

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