
March 13th, 2009 by tinakamo

We’ve been learning about insect life cycles and the stages they go through as they change. What changes have you gone through since you were born? What about during your time here at Kamehameha? Have all of the changes been positive?

Posted in General Discussion, Science | 15 Comments »

15 Responses

  1. Kaiya Says:

    When I was a baby I could not play soccer but now I can.

  2. cayli Says:

    Some of the changes in my life have been negative but I kept them to my self.

  3. Te Kaha Says:

    I’ve had a positive change in P.E. [physical education] because in kindergarten I could only hold myself up for 19 seconds on the pull up bars,but now I can hold myself up for 29 seconds.

  4. Brycen Says:

    first I didn’t know how to ride a
    two wheeler bike but now I know how to.

  5. stacy Says:

    One of the changes in my life was I got taller. A change at Kamehameha was my handwriting go better.All the changes I’ve mentioned are very positive.

  6. Kui [Te Kaha's mom] Says:

    Te Kaha has been an awesome positive in my life. He was the beginning of my stage as a mother. I love every day and night with him in my life.

  7. Mrs. Nakamoto Says:

    Cayli Rose, are you willing to share some examples of negative changes you’ve experienced? Some of us might be able to relate to them… Like the domino effect we talked about in class.

  8. kiana Says:

    When I was yonger I was smaller
    but now I am taller and stronger because I drank milk.

  9. Tanner Says:

    In kindergarden I wasent that good at math but now I am better at it.At the begging of the year I wasent so good at four square but now I am alot

  10. Naiya Says:

    I don’t how my life was when I was a baby but I do know how it was when I was in school. Like in preschool our mats were really uncomfortable but now I can bring my own mat and it is really comfortable.In kindergarten and first grade I wasn’t good at subtraction but now I am.

  11. Hokupaa Says:

    Ever since I came to Kamehameha my education has improved. I’m learning better skills for math. Computer skills do not count,I’ve been on it since I was 4.

  12. Mrs. Nakamoto Says:

    Leaving my previous school and coming to teach at Kamehameha was a big change for me. I was just talking to a friend this morning about how hard it was to make the change since I’d been at my other school for so long and knew the students and teachers really well. I still miss them, but I love being here at Kamehameha! Sometimes making a change is difficult and a little uncomfortable, but the end result is worth the struggle. Like the butterfly emerging from its chrysalis.

  13. Papa Ron [Tekaha] Says:

    The changes one goe’s thru wasn’t evident and as quick as I thought metamorphosis was. My life has been one exciting journey, from a kolohe boy to a warrior in the Navy, to a dad and then a kupuna. My grandson has thought me patience and understanding. when I was a boy the days seem long, now it’s not long enough to enjoy with Kaha.

  14. Hokupa'a Says:

    When Obama became president my life was happier because I wanted him to win and he won. I think Obama is a good person because he never gives up.

  15. Cayli Rose Says:

    I think Obama is a good person too Hoku, but not only for that reson.

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