Lights, Camera, Action – Choose a Book

April 7th, 2009 by tinakamo


Today we went to our school book fair and each of you was able to choose a free book. Other than price, what factors did you consider when choosing your book? How do you usually choose a book to borrow or buy?

Posted in General Discussion, Literature Discussions | 14 Comments »

14 Responses

  1. Kiana Says:

    Well Mrs. Nakamoto I start Reading the back of the book so I have an idea for what the book is about, then I stop to think if I like the story or not, but if I like it I borrow it or buy it.

  2. Mrs. Nakamoto Says:


    What kinds of stories interest you?

  3. Auli`i Says:

    I look for a book that is good for me and if it is too esay or too hard for me. I don`t pick it (if it is too hard).

  4. Kala`i Says:

    It took me a long time to find a
    book at the book fair.I think
    bowrroing a book is much easyer
    than bying a book.

  5. Jacob Says:

    I think so to Kala’i.

  6. Cayli Rose Says:

    So do I guys.

  7. Mrs. Nakamoto Says:

    Kala’i, Jacob, and Cayli Rose,

    I’m a little confused. Why is borrowing a book easier than buying one? Do you use a different process when you select a book to borrow than when you select one to buy?

    When I’m going to borrow or buy a book, I think about whether or not I think it will be interesting. Like I probably wouldn’t want to borrow or buy a book about building pools because I don’t want to build pools, but I would be interested in a book about how to take great photographs, because I am interested in that.

    When I bought Emmy and the Incredible Shrinking Rat, one of the reasons I chose it is because the title caught my eye since we’d been talking about how much I dislike rats and mice. Then I did what Kiana does and I read the description on the back of the book. It sounded like something we’d enjoy…

    I just realized while I was writing this that my process for choosing non-fiction books is a little different than choosing fiction. Is that true for some of you also?

  8. kaiya Says:

    Mrs.Nakamoto what is your favorite book?
    My favorite book is the Bakugan. I love that book.

  9. Mrs. Nakamoto Says:


    It’s tough to call one book my favorite since I love to read and I read so many different types of books. One of my favorite authors is Max Lucado. A classic book I have always loved, but haven’t read for a long time, is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. And right now my favorite is probably Emmy and the Home for Troubled Girls. I can’t wait to keep reading and find out what happens to Emmy and the other “girls!”

  10. kaiya Says:

    Mrs. Nakamoto I never knew that there was a book called Jane Eyre! What is it like! Can we hear about it in class please.

  11. Tanner Says:

    I never new there was a book called Jane Eyre.If there is what is it about?

  12. Mrs. Nakamoto Says:

    Kaiya and Tanner,

    Jane Eyre is a really long chapter book (400 pages) that was written by Charlotte Bronte in the 1800’s. It is about an orphan who is mistreated by her relatives and later becomes a governess (like a nanny). It is probably not a book you would be interested in until you are older. Why do you think I don’t think you’d be interested now?

  13. Ian Says:

    well at least I got the best book EVER called Diary Of A Wimpy Kid The Last Straw. Its even better the other Diary Of A Wimpy Kid! Besides its MORE funnier a the end.

  14. Kristin Says:

    My FAVORITE authors is Holly Webb because her stories are so suspenseful and cute. For example I think that Naiya would LOVE Lost in The Snow or Sam The Stolen Puppy or the book that I just recently started reading Alfie All Alone because I know she likes puppys even though Lost in The Snow is about a cat that gets lost in the snow and ends up finding an old abandened cottage and I would say more but for two reasons: If I did say more I would be letting the cat out of the bag if one day she does read that book and I have to go to soccer practice so Good bye now keep in touch.

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