Another Place, Another Time

March 18th, 2009 by tinakamo


What is the mystery of this picture? Harris Burdick titled it “Another Place, Another Time” with the caption, “If there was an answer he’d find it there.” Use your imagination to tell us the story…

Posted in Chris Van Allsburg | 38 Comments »

38 Responses

  1. Kiana Says:

    I think that these men are on an inventure to do some thing inportent for there state.

  2. stacy Says:

    I think these men are traveling to a different state to do something about the war maybe. I even think a storm is going to happen because of the clouds in the picture.

  3. Tanner Says:

    I think the kids are going to a different country becuase there is a castle in the back ground.

  4. cayli Says:

    I think the kids are goingon an adventure like Tom Sawyer…sounds scary.

  5. cayli Says:

    It looks like these kids are on something that they invented and that we do not use now anymore.

  6. Hokupaa Says:

    I think that the people are going to sail the ocean to look for something sacred.

  7. Brycen Says:

    It looks like there are going
    to sail to a different place.

  8. Naiya Says:

    It looks like the people are on a train track that’s leading them to the ocean.It also looks like Harris Burdick is traveling to another place and maybe that’s why he was never found.

  9. kalena Says:

    I think that the kids are riding in their invention that they made to a different place to save someone or something.(if Harris Burdick was still alive and he was blogging with us I would ask him if I could read one of his books.)

  10. cayli rose Says:

    I think harris burdick might have tricked the other man that he gave the pictures to and he maybe cut his hair or something like that…this sounds like we could make a mystery book series out of these pictures one day!

  11. Chaeana Says:

    I think the story about this picture is a good story that Nancy Drew could probably solve. The story gets kind of SCARY! When the man disappeared, well I think someone killed him.

  12. stacy Says:

    I agree with you, it does kind of sound like Nancy Drew.

  13. Kiana Says:

    I dont rily think that these pepole are kids you guys I think that they are men on a mition for some thing.

  14. Maia Says:

    Hey could someone tell me what that scary thing that you guys
    were talking about is?

  15. Kala`i Says:

    It looks like the kids are going
    to fall off their thing.I wonder
    how long it took to draw the

  16. stacy Says:

    Do you mean the Harris Burtick story or the picture on the blog? If it’s the story it’s that he disappeared. If it’s about the picture,it’s like Nancy Drew(a mystery.)

  17. Mrs. Nakamoto Says:

    Here’s my beginning. Want to add on?

    He wouldn’t stop until he found a way home. They were strangers together from different times and places and although they had become friends, they needed to get home. But they couldn’t, not until he figured out how to power this odd vessel.

  18. Kiana Says:

    Can I add on Mrs.Nakamoto?

    They could not find out where they were going. Then they spotted the castle in the background, but they wanted to get off of the vessel to get to the castle to ask for directions. Then find their way home.

  19. Nadia Says:

    I’ll add on.

    There he sat, thinking about how to power this vessel that appeared out of nowhere. He felt a jerk and
    they were off.

  20. Ian Says:

    Shall I add on now?

    After they set off they came to a bridge crossing the sea. At the end of the bridge they saw land. After a little while they came upon the land and they thought they were in a new country.

  21. Ms. Sumida Says:

    Gosh, I can’t help but add to this too!

    Although it looked like a castle from afar, they were surprised that instead, it was an old factory, abandoned and no longer functioning. Where were all the people of this once populated city? Where were all the trees and plants?

  22. TeKaha Says:

    May I add on?

    When they got to the city they saw the factory. When they came into the factory they saw bats, mice, and a lonely wolf. When they walked up to the wolf the wolf was pouncing on a mouse.

  23. Hokupaa Says:

    I’m adding
    As they walked through the place where the forest once ruled the strangers saw something slimy and and fat.It had 9 eyes,7 feet ,4 noses and 10 arms!One of the boys fell and stumbled back.Suddenly the ground started to rumble. It wasn’t rumbling. It was moving! The strangers started to get separated from each other! “John,Lisa!”Dan,Toby!”

  24. Tanner Says:

    I’m adding

    They all went looking for each other then one saw the monster and he was running for his life.

  25. hoku Says:

    Nice Tanner,
    The boy ran so fast that he crashed in to a tree.He looked up and saw that the branches were sparkling.Then a pile of the sparkling things fell on him and all of a sudden something happend.He grew feathers and he now had glasses on him!Before you knew it he was yelling,”THE SKY IS FALLING, THE SKY IS FALLING!”The chanting stopped but instead of changing in to himself again he grew a fancy hairstyle and had sparkly clothes on.He was in front of a big crowd singing,”I ai’nt nothing but a hound dog”.The singing did’nt last long.Then he changed in to an eight year-old boy typing on the computer.John was cooking,Lisa was feeding her rabbit and Daivid was in his room.”What is going on here?”Toby thought.He walked to his calendear ,looked at it and said”I’m in ANOTHER PLACE,ANOTHER TIME!

  26. Nadia Says:


    He ran,and ran until he came
    to a cave. He was wondering where that HIDIOUS monster came from until…..ROAR! “OH NO! here comes the monster!”

  27. Brycen Says:

    I will add on?

    The monster kept on chasing them
    then the monster triped on a log and the monster all most ate them but shir enough they
    ran away just in time!

  28. Brycen Says:

    Can I add again?

    After the monster got confused
    and dizzy. They went on the other side of the cave and saw more monsters but they had mini
    aliens that were different gates
    one of them led to a bridge
    onther one led to a HUGE rocket
    ship.Some one pllleeeaaassseee countinue this story.

  29. KAMA Says:

    I think that they are rescuing one of their moms or dads in the SCARY CaTsLe covered up in the fog. Its pritty scaarryy that kids are on train tracks on water into fog.

  30. Kristin Says:

    Then suddenly one of the kids had a flash back to when they were safe and sound. Then a tear began to fall from her eye. “I wish we were back at home but you guys had to go in the backyard and find that hole leading to the beach and you told me to come to. What a huge mistake that was”. All of a sudden one of them said what happend to “we’re all in this together?”

  31. Te Kaha Says:

    All of a sudden ROOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRR! They looked all around…

  32. Tanner Says:

    There was a big lion and they all were running one got caught and its breath smelled like roten meat.One of them noticed one of them were one missing and turned around and they looked but they didnt find any thing.

  33. Brycen Says:

    The big lion noticed them from
    far away so he leaped all the
    way and then the same monster
    from the cave showed up and beat
    the lion up.

  34. cayli rose Says:

    The monster smieled as it turned into a dog.
    It licked toby’s face.
    Then the rest of the monsters started leaping out of nowhere and turning into dogs too.
    Then they turned around.
    they were in Lisas backyard with her dog scamp.
    Dan woke up and felt like he had had the best dream ever.
    But his dreams didn’t end there.
    He went back to THE OTHER PLACE AT THE OTHER TIME!!!
    Then they went to…ANOTHER DIFFERENT TIME!!!
    Now hey were in the world war as 1 of the soilders started scolding them.
    Dan wasn’t listening to them.

  35. Brycen Says:

    Then the soilder led them to a
    creapy castel with bats flying
    over it and warewolfs gaurding
    it and a huge black and green
    dragon there was a sign that
    said H_ _t_d _ou_ _ Danger beware come inside if you dare!

  36. Brycen Says:

    They decided to go inside so one of them in there pockets
    he just noticed he had apocket
    knife so just in case some creapy monster with cold blood
    would probly POP out of no where he couild sherly enough he could sdab it but just before
    he could say lets go in some cold blood creapy monster POP out of no where he chased him
    all over the haunted house
    untill they got caught in a bone cage but he remebered he
    had his pocket knife so he started cutting it all you could
    hear was click click click the bone cage was finaly open as for the cold bloded monster he got caught by his own trap.

  37. Brycen Says:

    When they left they heard a bark they looked behind a tree a brown and black puppy with a small scar by his eye and spots like a dalmation except only a few only on his back. Showed up it seemed to like one of the boys like he was his traineror owner and boy reckenised the dog. Then he knew why the puppy was barking.

  38. Kiana Says:

    It wanted to show them a way to get out of there as fast as possible.
    But on the’re way out Toby got caught in a trap! HELP ME! He yelled. You guys go and follow the dog I’ll help Toby! said John.

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