Mr. Linden’s Library

April 7th, 2009 by tinakamo


This photo from The Mysteries of Harris Burdick had the caption, “He had warned her about the book. Now it was too late.” What story can you tell?

Posted in Chris Van Allsburg | 33 Comments »

33 Responses

  1. cayli rose Says:

    Maybe he told her she could die if she read that book but she didn’t listend to him.

  2. Mrs. Nakamoto Says:

    Cayli Rose,

    So, do you think she’s dead? Wouldn’t that be too short of a story? What about the plant coming out of the book? Harris Burdick must have had something more “meaty” in mind, don’t you think?

  3. kalena Says:

    I think the same thing that cayli said.I wonder why theres plants coming out of the book.

  4. Kala`i Says:

    I`m wondering the samething that
    Kalena`s thinking.It looks like
    the women`s dead.I think when
    the women read this book it made
    the women die.

  5. Tanner Says:

    I’m wondering the same thing as kalena why are there plants coming out of the middle of the book.Sense the caption says he warned her about the book but it was to late Ithink she is dead like Kala’i,Kalena and cayli rose sayed.

  6. Mrs. Nakamoto Says:

    Here’s my start, anyone want to continue?

    She knew she was never supposed to fall asleep while reading it. Any dreams she had while it was touching her body would come true. But as she slept and continued to dream about the plant that invaded her room she was too tired to care.

  7. Stacy Says:

    WOW. Mrs. Nakamoto, I have to ask, Did you read it already? Because it really sounds like you actually read it.

  8. Brycen Says:

    I’ll add.

    And in her dream there was monsters and aleins and the plant was a pouisnus plant that had VERY VERY VERY LONG VINES!

  9. Tanner Says:

    I’ll add

    Maybe the plant is the legs of the aliens or the monsters arms.

  10. Brycen Says:

    I’ll add on

    And when she wooke up something strange happened to her she was in her dream!

  11. Hokupaa Says:

    She saw the long poisonous vines and she screamed at the sight.Then the vine whipped her in the face!Was she dead or not?

  12. stacy Says:

    Hey Hoku,
    Did you guys read this when I went home early ’cause Ms Nakamoto AND you!! So can SOMEONE at least tell me something about it please!?

  13. Brycen Says:

    Stacy your soupost to make it up!

  14. Kala'iku's mom-da boss:) Says:

    Aloha no! This day was filled with fun and interesting activities, songs and ‘onolicious desserts. mahalo nui for working so hard. We, the Kaneshiro ‘ohana had a great time learning about different cultures. My favorite game was Nim. Kala’iku beat me 5 times before I won a game. OMG! I’m sure we’ll be playing this game at our ‘ohana camp. Again, we had a fun time! Mahalo nui loa!

  15. Stacy Says:

    My bad I thought you read it without me!
    So I think i’ll add on
    There were these poisonous vines growing out of the book and wrapped around her and she died.

  16. Kiana Says:

    She knew that she had did something
    wrong, she wanted to change it, change it all. She was only trying to go to sleep for only for a short
    while, but she did not listen, she
    fell asleep while reading the book
    and it attacked her.

  17. cayli rose Says:

    It attacked her by not letting her wake up.
    She tried to open her eyes but the dream was too powerfull.
    “Thats all I got for now.”

  18. Brycen Says:

    Then suddenly something happend
    there was weird animals that were mixed together one of them
    was a wolf, kangaroo and a
    aligator. They were guarding someting but what…

  19. cayli rose Says:

    A Village!
    It had a beutiful burgendee Roof With a slightly gold tint.
    It was straw.
    Then a kind looking old women.
    She seemed like she was triying to word something out to the animals but their backs were turned to her.
    Try to guess what she said.
    The_r N_ _ In_ _ _ders!

  20. Brycen Says:

    What Cayli what was she trying
    to say? 😉

  21. Brycen Says:

    Is it.Their Not Intruders?

  22. Mr. Harai Says:

    Dear students of Mrs. Nakamoto, I am a friend of Mrs. Nakamoto and I wanted to contribute to your blog about Chris Van Allsburg. I am also a teacher at Makaha Elem. School. Chris Van Allsburg happens to be one of my favorite authors and I used his stories with my students when I taught 3rd grade. I would like to share an interesting fact with you about his books. He often puts in a picture of a dog into many of his stories. This dog is sometimes a real dog and sometimes not. In the book Jumanji he drew the dog as one of the children’s toys. Try finding the other dogs in his books!

  23. Mrs. Harai Says:

    Dear Students of Mrs. Nakamoto,

    I am also a friend of Mrs. Nakamoto and I wanted to make a blog too! I am a school counselor at Iliahi Elementary School in Wahiawa. One of my favorite books of Chris Van Allsburg is The Polar Express. I liked watching the movie too!

    Maybe Mrs. Nakamoto has shared this with you already but Chris Van Allsburg has his own website with a section about The Mysteries of Harris Burdick. He had a contest for students all across the country to write stories about the Harris Burdick pictures. Their stories are posted there. Chris Van Allsburg also has a webcast on his website in which he is talking with students and answering their questions about his stories. Check it out!

    I also wanted to say you are very lucky to have a teacher like Mrs. Nakamoto! She works very hard to make learning interesting and wants to challenge her students to try their very best in everything they do. She shares with me about your successes in the classroom. I heard about your walking field trips and blogging with author Lynne Jonell. Mrs. Nakamoto is a very special teacher because she makes opportunities like those happen for you! Congratulations on a having a great second grade year!

  24. stacy Says:

    Yes Mrs. Harai,
    we did blog with Lynne Jonell AND go on walking field trip! On the field trip, it was REALLY fun. We went (dun dah dun) swimming! Oh, and the blogging with Lynne, it was so super cool! We even got to blog with her rat, Ratty, on his blog! ;o

  25. stacy Says:

    Do you mean:”What was she trying to say”? ’cause what you put before does NOT make sense to me.

  26. Brycen Says:

    Yes sorry. 🙁

  27. Mrs. Harai Says:

    Dear Stacy,

    Thanks for your comment back to me! Just to let you know, my other blog was the first time I ever blogged! All of you are more experienced at it than I am : )

    I heard about you also visiting with Dr. Chun on one of your walking and jogging field trips. I challenge you second graders next year to be the first to do all four quarters of walking and jogging field trips! Mrs. Nakamoto will probably try to do that too with her own second grade class next year!

    I’m glad you had so much fun blogging with Lynne Jonell. Mrs. Nakamoto has taught you there are no barriers to what you want to do or who you want to contact. If you have other favorite authors, you maybe able to email or blog on their websites. If they don’t have websites, sometimes you may be able to write them a letter and see if they respond.

    Thanks again for the opportunity to blog with you!

  28. stacy Says:

    Mrs. Harai,
    Can we go blogging on your blog!? 🙂

  29. Brycen Says:

    Stacy What if dosen’t have a blog? 😉

  30. stacy Says:

    Oh shoot! I ment I wanted to blog on the CRIS VAN ALLSBURG BLOG! My bad! 🙂

  31. stacy Says:

    Brycen did you mean what if SHE does not have a blog? 🙂

  32. stacy Says:

    Cayli, is it their not intruders?

  33. Cayli Rose Says:

    Yah thats it stacy and brycen.
    But the roof was burgendee because it was a magicle cottage, not a village and the lady in there was trying to eat them and she was not nice…A WICH!

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