Ho’omaika’i Miss Avani!

Whoop!  Whoop!  Ho’omaika’i Avani for singing like an angel at the Hawaii County Fair where she won 2nd place in the talent show by singing “Girl in the Mirror!”  Your FISH!mates & I are so proud of you!

Photo by Mrs. Debus

Photo by Mrs. Debus

Posted in Go TEAM! | 1 Comment

FISH! Food for Thought #1: Ha’aha’a

Aloha e nå ka’u i’a,

Here is the first of many…FISH! Food for Thought.  This is a post where you share your mana’o on a specific topic.  You need to ponder what this post is sharing, reflect on what Miss Shonnie shared, and then compose a thought paragraph to share your thoughts, personal connections, or examples by posting a comment. Please review and revise your work PRIOR to hitting the submit comment button.. Use the images below to review.  image

Miss Shonnie shares with Kula Ha’aha’a what ha’aha’a is and looks like!image

Posted in FISH! Food For Thought, Pilina | 24 Comments

Ohana Alert-Great Ohana Opportunity

This is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the release of our ‘Alalå into their natural habitat!  Imua ‘Alalå and thrive!. image

Posted in Cultural Learning, Ohana Alert!, Social Studies, Sustainability | 1 Comment

Nånå i ke Kumu…Look to the Source: Project Kuleana Creators Visit Papa ‘Elima!

Nånå i ke Kumu…The haumåna of Papa ‘Elima had a wonderful day of learning doing just that…looking to the source!  We were extremely blessed today to get a visit from the 3 Anakala from Project Kuleana (Anakala Sean, Anakala Kîhei and Anakala Kamakoa) to help us in our inquiry-based project quest to seek answers to our essential question:  What is Our Kuleana as KS haumåna, as Hawaiians, as Global-Citizens?


So many times, we as a class, seek answers in our research in books, text, articles, & videos, etc. and often ask the question-What is the mana’o nui?  What is the author trying to teach us?  What is the author’s message?  We use our best reading strategies…we reread, review, articulate with each other, we track our thinking, and make inferences & search for information that would support it.

image    image    image

Today, we took a different approach to our learning, we went straight to the source!  We did our usual work prior to our meeting- we read articles, we researched, we watched videos, we documented our questions and wonders and we made inferences and found proof/evidence to support our thinking…BUT, the HUGE difference, we got to ask the creative minds who created Project Kuleana questions!  We got to hear the reasons why they all had a strong need to share their Hawaiian music, why music helps the Hawaiian culture to thrive,  why they felt it was their kuleana to make this video, the ‘ike behind it, their thought process, the business end of it, heard all about the pilina they built with each other, other Hawaiian musicians, and our ‘Åina and much, much more!

The haumåna got some of their inferences validated, their questions answered, and now have more questions & wonders to “dive deeper” into What is Our Kuleana?  The inquiry process continues….

imageWe’d like to send out a mahalo nui to Anakala Sean, Anakala Kîhei, & Anakala Kamakoa for their generous gifts of time, sharing an immense amount of mana’o and ‘ike, and for strengthening our Hawaiian culture, one musical note at a time! He Hawai’i au, Mau a mau!

Click on the video to see the Kani ka pila session we had!  So blessed! AND  of course, FUN! Learning ALWAYS has to be FUN!  Whoo hoo!  Yippee!  Inside joke…You had to be in the moment with us to know and feel the excitement!  Right? Just ask Anakala Sean!

Mahalo to Kumu Silva for helping us to learn this mele and practicing w/ukulele too!


Learn all about Project Kuleana by clicking these links below:

http://oiwi.tv/music/pk2-kanaiaupuni/    http://oiwi.tv/music/project-kuleana-2-backstory/

The Anakala promise us that there is more to come, we got a sneak peek of their newest endeavor to share culture through music! Trust us, You won’t want to miss it!!!  Keep “Swimming Strong” and “Dive Back” with the 5B FISH! to see more of our inquiry-based learning project too!

**UPDATED SUN., SEPT. 25:  Please click on the comments link below to read the student commentary of their experience!

Posted in Cultural Learning, FISH! Food For Thought, Ohana Alert!, Pilina, Social Studies | 27 Comments

Ohana Alert for the Week of Sept. 19-23

Papa 'Elima on huaka'i @ Palekai w/Anakala Kalani!

Papa ‘Elima on huaka’i @ Palekai w/Anakala Kalani!

Mon., Sept. 19-Day 1:  Swimming today, don’t forget your clothes!  Ekalesia today…dress whites mandatory.

Tues., Sept. 20-Day 2: It’s picture-taking day today :).

Wed., Sept. 21-Day 3: Pinwheels for Peace

Thurs., Sept. 22-Day 4: Special Guest Speakers in Class -Project Kuleana Uncles!

Fri., Sept. 23-Day 5: No Specials Today

The students and I have been discussing in class how EVERY voice is important!  How we value mana’o being shared by all!  Be on the lookout in planners beginning Tues., Sept. 20 for individual progress on how we honor each others voices in class.  Please sign this progress sheets daily…along with planners 🙂  Mahalo for your partnership as we “swim strong” together!  


Posted in Ohana Alert!, Pilina | 1 Comment

Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset

Hi Students,

Hereʻs the image from Sylvia Duckworth that we analyzed in class today.  It shares the difference between Fixed mindset and growth mindset…Review it again below.  Have you ever had a fixed mindset? Briefly describe it and now how do you move that situation more towards a growth mindset?  Share your thoughts on this in a well-written paragraph.  Share details that support your manaʻo nui.   FullSizeRender

NOTE:  I give up, this is too hard & Iʻm bored, this is too easy are both FIXED mindset.  Explain why 🙂

Posted in FISH! Alert for Students, Go TEAM!, Pilina, Uncategorized | Tagged | 21 Comments

Math Inquiry with Charmander

The5B FISH! welcomed Charmander into our classroom!  This time the students worked on making Charmander bookmarks, heʻll be used to mark our math textbook pages while we do math!  He also allowed the students to begin initial inquiry into…fractions, percentages, and of course more measurement by making inferences based on prior knowledge and then experimenting with size of the paper and sharing fact based statements that support it.  Who said math is not fun?  Not the FISH!

Posted in Go TEAM!, Math, Pilina | Tagged | 5 Comments

Close Reading with High Interest Text: CCSS and Pokemon Go!

Screen Shot 2016-09-11 at 8.37.07 PMThe students were hard at work “diving” into the Pokemon Go! text in class…high interest, real-world connections, & a whole lot of learning.  This assignment addressed the RI.5.2 (Reading-Informational text) to determine the main ideas of the text & explaining how it was supported by important details.  They also worked on RI.5.4 to identify new vocabulary words that were important to understand.  They worked in pairs to collaborate as they read and took annotations on their article to build on understanding.  iPads were at the ready to assist to learn new words too.  The students then captured themselves reading aloud to practice fluency and be able to evaluate themselves and begin to document their progress!  See the learning below!

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Sept. 12-16

Here’s the upcoming week at a glance…It’s IMUA WEEK!  Please refer to the flyer that went home for guildelines of the fun-filled week!

Mon., Sept. 12-Day 2: Pajama Day

Tues.,  Sept. 13-Day 3:  Beach Day..,.we are also going on huaka’i to the beach.  Please bring a change of clothes in case you get wet.  Lunch will be provided :).

Wed., Sept. 14-Day 4:  Disney Day…It is also early release day.  Students will be released at 1:30pm.  Please make necessary transportation arrangements, if needed.

Thurs., Sept. 15-Day 5: Sports Day!  Go team Go!

Fri., Sept. 16-Day 6:  E Ola No t-shirt day…Please wear your school e ola no t-shirts as we will be participating in a K-12 pep rally to show our school spirit!

**NOTE: Anything in BLUE for parents 🙂

Just a friendly reminder, students are given class time to write down daily assignments in planner.  Homework is given M-TH and should take approx. 1 hr. to complete.  30 mins. of daily reading (parent signature required on log) and 1 other subject.  I humbly ask that planners be signed nightly as it offers a way of for you to see what we are doing in class and communication too.  Mahalo for your partnership as we work together to help our keiki thrive!  **Anything in MAGENTA is a call for action from students.


Posted in Ohana Alert!, Pilina | 3 Comments

A Day of Remembrance…A Call for Reflection

photo from www.ibtimes.com

photo from www.ibtimes.com

Aloha e nå ka’u i’a!

Today is Sept. 11, a day for remembrance in our nation, our world…words eluded me as I tried to write this, until I came across this cnn.com post “The 9/11 Children: What Can They Teach Us?”

THIS IS A CLASS ASSIGNMENT FOR MON., SEPT. 12…DO NOT COMPLETE UNTIL WE HAVE A DISCUSSION TOGETHER! (Feel free to click on the link and begin viewing if you are checking the blog sooner)

Click on the link below to view and hear the voices of the children most affected by this terrible assault on our country, as well as the world.  “Dive deep” and really ponder their words and hear their voices, what do you take away from it?  What are the children of 9/11 trying to teach you?  What can you learn from them?  How does it connect to what we learn in class?  What can you do?  Share your thoughts, connections, new learning, and conclude your revised, thoughtful paragraph by answering the question…now what? How can this new learning impact our class, school, community, and world?  What is our kuleana?

“Let the voices of children be heard, every voice counts!”


Sept. 12…Update:  Click on the comments bar below to see studentsʻ comment.  

Posted in Cultural Learning, Pilina, Social Studies, Techie Things, Uncategorized, Writing | Tagged , | 23 Comments