Apr. 28, 2020
Throughout the year, students & I have focused our learning around the essential question of ʻWhat is OUR kuleana?’ What is our responsibility as 5th graders, as students of Kamehameha Schools, as Hawaiians, and as Global citizens?
We were “on 3rd base(3rd trimester), ready to race for home plate when…March rolls around and…Here comes the “biggest curve ball” we will see in our lifetime! All things “normal” gets thrown out and our new normal became the stay at home order.
The students & I quickly shift our “game plan”, how we approach the target, while still keeping an eye on the ball. Distance learning class begins, we asked ourselves, “What Can 5th graders do during this time while we stay at home to beat down that COVID curve?” “Can we do anything?” “How do we stay in the game” from home? We read & saw so much of this scary disease and the devastation it was causing in our world, BUT we also saw the many examples of people extending kindness and aloha too. We decided that it is our time to “step up to the plate” and put our learning into action! ‘O kēia manawa…Now is the time! Project Kahiau 2.0. becomes part of our new playbook! Kahaiau – The Hawaiian value to give of yourself without any expectation of return.
The students brainstormed in numerous Zoom sessions how they could make a difference in the world and answer that question of what is our kuleana? They came up with the idea to MAHALO our essential workers-THE HEROES on the front line. They had “team meetings” to collaborate & strategize, create, generate, and “deliver” speeches. They revised, figured out what is important to include…now it was time for us to get “in the fight!” I mana leo…Let your voice be heard!
We want the Warriors on the front line to know that our Kamehameha Hawaiʻi Warriors, stand in solidarity with you and send our sincerest mahalo for all that you do!
Hear our message of thanks, and share it with an essential worker to let them know that the we mahalo their strength resilience, and sacrifice in this critical moment in our one world. We watch in awe as they tirelessly share Shaka aloha! Keep “swinging for the fence” as we do our part at home by “cheering you on!”
“Fifth graders can make a difference, one heart at a time! Fifth graders can do something to lift up the Warriors on the front lines.” This project allowed us to take a “big swing” into understanding that our collective voices can impact our world and may encourage others to do the same in a positive way during these trying times. Mahalo Heroes! “We’re Staying in the Fight”…Until “this Fight is Finished!” Share a Shaka with aloha….

“The students and I couldn’t have executed this “game plan” vision without the fantastic tech talents of Uncle Jason who worked tirelessly compiling the final product.” Teamwork at its finest! Go Team 5B Go! E Hana pūalu kākou!! TOGETHER, WE CAN!
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