Week #1 of virtual learning almost in the history books as Friday is fast approaching! Here’s a Flashback to August…Teamwork is our focus as we work together to “BE PONO, BE ALOHA, BE ALAKA’I!” We learn about 5th grade requirements, practice, & persevere as one team to be Meta…E nanalu too!

Flash Forward a number of months…As we ended trimester #2 and began trimester #3 before spring break, 96% of us met our 9 genre reading goal, we demonstrated alaka’i lawelawe (Servant leadership & being alaka’i) with Project Kahiau, & we got so meta that we were able and willing to lift each other up in class as we worked hard then played hard, TOGETHER! So, we discussed taking E Nanalu to the next level..Ho’o Nanalu. Ho’o, to put it into action!
Flash a few days forward…Coronavirus hits, we’re all at home trying to “flatten that curve and beat it down”, & virtual learning is about to begin…I begin the mad dash to learn how to teach virtually-Seesaw, Zoom, searching desks to collect materials for packets, planning lessons, researching, creating directions sheets that students can understand, anticipating questions that students may have, pretty much going bonkers! All the while, keeping the faith that as one team, TOGETHER, WE CAN!
Flash Now…Ohana graciously tag team w/us and we are ready to ride the “wave!” The students rock the tech, surf the swells in our virtual classroom, are happy to see each other, create personal schedules at home, shoot me emails with clarifying questions, submit assignments by due dates, and make me smile! They are so ho’o nanalu as we try new things in our virtual class meetings, they are respectful, patient, helpful, & even voluntarily take turns to lead! What more can a teacher ask for…Teamwork at its finest, we are one team! See photos above, priceless! I believe, You believe, We all BELIEVE Together. Mahalo to Ohana 5B for believing! Team 5B will continue to ‘SWIM STRONG!’
P.S. Students: Please send me a photo of yourself working from home. Please ask Ohana for help to take it. Still waiting for a bunch more. Mahalo to those who already submitted it. Want all of you to be in the video that I am making 🙂
P.S.S. Feel free to post a comment, by clicking the comment button below 🙂