The 5B MathemaFISH!ans are at it Again!

Hapa loves the lights! Over 1,000 twinkling!

This time, the 5B MathemaFISH!ans are diving into saving Christmas!  Well, at least your electricity bill!   We found a news article in Thursdays Hi-Tribune Herald “Electric Costs Could Make Holiday Spirits Less Bright” and turned it into a REAL-WORLD math problem!  Can we “Deck the Halls?”  Ever wondered how much additional $$ it takes to have those Christmas lights twinkling bright in your home?  Will $40 extra $$ be enough to keep Hapa happily watching those twinkling light?  Well, the FISH! are here to help as they TEAM to find out!  They are using the article to collect information to calculate it!  This article is also being used for reading and writing as we search for facts that will turn into a persuasive writing! 🙂 Stay tuned, theyʻll even be projecting the cost for next year!  I love the holidays!  So much excitement in the air filled with joy, peace, love, and LEARNING!  Go on, dig out your copy of Thursdays paper and join us to solve! The MathemaFISH!ans get those brain cells ablaze!  Not an easy task, but together, we can!  Join us as we do math in the real world!  Math is everywhere!

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Dec. 4-8

Alakaʻi Justice, Mia, & Emma take charge!

December is in full swing now…wanted to share a gentle reminder with everyone that our class blog is quite active and a great way to see what the 5B FISH! are up to!  I humbly ask that ohana 5B check it out…at least once a week to see how the FISH! Are swimming! :). If you check the blog at least once a week, youʻll be up to speed to see all the latest happenings.  **TIP:  When checking the blog, scroll through older posts until you get to the one you last saw, to not miss any :).  Its a great way to know whatʻs coming up, deadlines, due dates, or just a great conversation starter at home.  Mahalo to the ohana who check it out more than once a week, many mention how they check DAILY!  We welcome everyone to leave comments too!  Mahalo! Mahalo! Mahalo!

Mon., Dec. 4-Day 4-Rotation 2:  Mr. Kudo will again be joining us for a guidance lesson during morning meeting today.  Genius Hour Inquiry project due today at the end of the school day.  Time will be given in class to finalize projects!  Many hours of class time was already dedicated to this project!  Canʻt wait to see the creativity on sharing your new ʻike!

Tues., Dec. 5-Day 5: 5B Ohana Pilina Luncheon for 12 families :).

Wed., Dec. 6: Dress Rehearsal for Christmas Concert

Fri., Dec. 8: Ekalesia today, dress whites mandatory.  Please avoid uniform write ups by getting special attire ready :). Christmas concert @ 6:00pm.  Papa ʻElima call time is @ 5:30pm.  Join us to hear students sing like angels and cheer on our own 5B Mistresses of Ceremony Caylee and Leigh Ann!

**HEADS UP:  Project Kahiau video due on Fri., Dec. 15…5th graders can make a difference in our world!  Mahalo to ohana for supporting this effort to help our keiki learn about kahiau!  Due dates were also previously posted.  See older post for more info. 

Newscasting to share ʻike!

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Busted #5: Leigh Ann Takes Notetaking to a New Level

Leigh Ann is BUSTED!

Students were learning a new strategy of note taking a few weeks ago in class that focused on using illustrations and little icons along with words, called Sketchnoting.  We discussed how these quick illustrations, words, using different fonts, and different sizes of fonts can help us to remember important information!  I love it when students put learning into ACTION!  Here Leigh Ann is BUSTED for doing just that!

Recently, students were working on reading an article on Trophy Hunting from newsela as we begin learning about writing argument papers…taking a stance and supporting it.  Great note taking is an important part of our learning process for this purpose.  Leigh Ann walked up to me today to share her notes!  She chose to practice her sketch noting on her own.  You go Girl!

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Hoʻomaikaʻi to Our 5B FISH!

Taking risks can be scary…but as the saying goes, if you donʻt try, youʻll never know what could have been!  Well, these 5B team members braved it!  They took the risk & tried!  It paid off!  Hoʻomaikaʻi to our Kula Haʻahaʻa Founderʻs Day conductor, Kerilyn and our MCʻs for our Kula Haʻahaʻa annual Christmas concert, Caylee and Leigh Ann!  Keep swimming strong kaʻu Iʻa! So proud of everyone who tried out for the great effort and ʻNo Quitʻ attitude!

Keiki Conductor for Founderʻs Day 2017

Christmas Concert MCs

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Practice, Practice, Practice!

Kahiau…Giving with no expectation of a return.  We are truly blessed with all that we are given here at Kamehameha Schools-Hawaiʻi!  We have been talking about all the things that we are so blessed to have at school because of the vision of Ke Alii Pauahi so long ago.  During the holidays, we especially reflect & are filled with gratitude!

Project Kahiau is a way for us to pay it forward!  To share our blessings with others, be innovative, and make a difference in our world, one heart at a time!  The students created servant leadership projects, are planning to make it happen, and below…sharing their creative ideas with one another to inspire the true meaning of KAHIAU…Mahalo to Ohana 5B for your continued support in our class efforts as we work our way to being good and industrious!


High 5ʻs and “HOOK UPS!” from 5BFish on Vimeo.


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Genius Hour Inquiry Project in Full Swing

Students have been working on their self-selected Genius Hour Inquiry project today in class.  They are in the process of researching information on a topic of their passion!  Everyone chose a topic on what they wanted to learn more about and letting their creativity flow to create a way to share their new found knowledge with the class.  Each expert will be sharing their products soon (check out previous blog post for due dates).  Click on the video below to see the FISH! as they work on fine tuning their writing with the focus on organization!


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When It Rains…It Pours!

Yessiree…itʻs raining…and beginning to pour both inside and outside of our classroom!  Everyone knows that the weather lately, is perfect for ducklings! What everyone might not know…itʻs raining and beginning to pour inside the walls of our class too! Nope, no need to call for repairs…things are going swimmingly!  Itʻs been pouring with LEADERSHIP!

When it Rains…

It Pours…with Leadership!

The haumāna were challenged to be role models & lead.  We discuss how alakaʻi status does not automatically come with age or being the oldest in our division…it comes when it is earned! The 5B FISH! are working to earn it now!  I now get tons of emails at night from students asking to take the lead during morning meeting to share manaʻo that they feel connects to the discussions we have and connects to our #OTOD to accept our kuleana and change the world! Once one FISH! took on leading, it proved that the “hiki no” attitude was alive and well….hence, it began raining…NOW, its pouring! Leaders everywhere, all day, everyday! Students are sharing inspirational videos on leadership, team-building, having a growth mindset and so much more.  They are leading discussions, sharing manaʻo, engaging others to share too!  I mana leo!  Take a look at our keiki alakaʻi!  So proud of the team…make way for ducklings!  Or should I say…here comes the school of FISH! Stay dry, be safe, and keep on swimming!

Keiki Alakaʻi take the lead!

Hani takes the lead!

Posted in Cultural Learning, Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert!, Pilina | 3 Comments

Important Upcoming Deadlines!

Aloha e nā Haumāna,

Keep your eye on the target & accomplish your mission!  As we discussed in class today, these are important deadlines that you need to remember!  Please use class time wisely…as a lot of discussions have been done & time given to work towards completing these assignments.

Thurs., Nov. 30: Your Project Kahiau Timeline is due.  Turn in the 5Wʻs and how with dates of when you will be executing each step of this project.  For Genius Hour Inquiry Project:  You should have at least 4 urls from reputable sites, a minimum of 75 facts collected on your self-selected topic that addresses your essential question. (A lot of hours were already given in class to work on this & assigned as homework on multiple days)

Mon., Dec. 4:  Your Genius Hour Inquiry Project final is due today.

Fri., Dec. 15:  Your Project Kahiau FINAL video presentation is due.  This should include your planning, preparation, and you actually doing and completing your project.

Mon., Feb. 18:  Your FINAL personal narrative writing on Project Kahiau due.

You will have a lot more time given in class to work on these huge projects.  Please refer to your notes from our class discussion to double check all the requirements for each.  No extensions of deadlines will be offered for any of the above assignments, please meet all due dates!  Hiki no!

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I Mana Leo…Let Your Voice Be Heard!


Please add your thoughts on Project FISH!mates on our flipgrid. This will be done in class, AFTER we discuss it on Tues, Nov. 28th!  Updated: Wed., Nov. 29th:  Your post to the grid below is overdue!  Please post your video ASAP!


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Got FISH!Mates? Yes, We Do!

Different, but Same! One Team!

Aloha Ohana 5B!

Mahalo for “diving in!”  As we continue to work on being One Team, With One Dream in class and have many conversations on making great choices for self as well as for the TEAM…thought youʻd like to be a part of discussion!  Be in the know!

The FISH! have a new FISH!mate!  What is a FISH!mate?  Well, many have been with each other from the ripe ʻol age of 5…6 years is a long time!  The FISH! know a lot about each other, about ohana, but do they really?

The FISH!mates are pairs that donʻt really “hang out,” no slumber parties, or playing at recess, but someone who theyʻd like to know at a deeper level.  Each student was allowed to share a recommendation with me of who they wanted to be paired with.  Each student was paired up and spend recesses together…they collaborate and negotiate where & what they play at recess, they take turns being the leader as well as the listener, and eat together and talk stories!  A great way to take friendship to a deeper level!  The FISH! are quickly learning that they didnʻt know everything about each other…that being open to new ideas, walking in someone elseʻs shoes, having discussions to solve disagreements in a pono fashion, and really understanding others perspectives builds TEAM!  We donʻt lift some…We lift ALL!  Go Team Go!  Everything is better with a friend!  In our case, with a FISH!mate by your side!

Ask your keiki all about it!  Haumāna and Ohana, please feel free to share your experiences and manaʻo on our Project FISH!mates by leaving a comment!  Click comments below to share!  The quote below comes from Mya…another way that students are using ipads for good! I get tons of emails nightly from students who are using ipad to seek out ways of making connections to what we discuss in class! Myaʻs connection below!  Whoo hoo!  Not just game playing or youtubing!

Mahalo Mya for the inspiration!

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