Category Archives: Social Studies

Ohana Alert for the Week of Oct. 23-27

Highlight of last week…The 5B FISH! explore ʻImiloa! http:// ʻImi ʻIke at ʻImiloa from 5BFish on Vimeo. Hereʻs the upcoming week at a glance… The trimester #1 reading requirements are now in the history books!  All student presentations that were … Continue reading

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Oct. 16-20

**FRIENDLY REMINDER:  Last days to prepare for book presentations!  Remember, first come-first serve presentations on T-Th.  Presentations on Fri. only- Every student gets to present one, then we begin all over…Donʻt let time run out on you!!!  Only 1 hr … Continue reading

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Kā Wai Ola! The Waters of Life- Huakaʻi to Honoliʻi

The 5B FISH! again “dive deeper!” into learning!  This time, the team took learning OUTDOOR!  Papa ‘Elima went on our first huaka’i to Honoli’i!  Uncle Skibbs and Crew were there to welcome us to our beach classroom…at least our classroom … Continue reading

Posted in Cultural Learning, Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert!, Project Kahiau, Sustainability | Tagged , , | Leave a comment


Students…The padlet wall has been fixed!  It is now working!  Please read the directions carefully then tap on the wall to add your manaʻo!  Please notice that you are able to include links, videos, and voice on your post to … Continue reading

Posted in FISH! Alert for Students, Project Kahiau, Social Studies | Tagged | Leave a comment

Makawalu 2017: Oceans Apart…Facing Change

The haumåna of Papa ‘Elima have been diligently working, researching, revising, meeting deadlines, and creating for months in preparation of our capstone project which showcased learning through the years at Kula Ha’aha’a.  This year’s theme, “Makawalu:  Ocean’s Apart…Facing Change,” focused … Continue reading

Posted in Cultural Learning, Pilina, Reading, Social Studies, Writing | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Learning to Sustain Ourselves w/Aquaponics

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Attention Students

Hi Ka’u i’a! You again will be given time tomorrow, Thurs., April 13, to work on all things Makawalu!  So excited for you to put all the finishing touches on all your hard work…you researched, you planned, you prepared, you … Continue reading

Posted in Cultural Learning, Social Studies, Uncategorized | Tagged | 2 Comments

Ohana Alert for the Week of April 10-14: Makawalu is Coming!

REMINDER:  PLEASE BRING INQUIRY TABLET TO CLASS DAILY. Students will be given daily class time to work on, build, create, & finalize all projects for Makawalu, including differentiated techie projects for K-2, 2-4, ohana.   If you’d like to bring … Continue reading

Posted in Ohana Alert!, Social Studies | 1 Comment

“STEAM”ing at Kumuola Lokoi’a

Whoohoo!  The FISH! Were right at home today!  We went to the Kumuola lokoi’a to test out the wa’a water purification systems built w/Kumu Noe in STEAM class!  According to Kumu Noe, “the students were so focused on testing!  Everyone … Continue reading

Posted in Pilina, Sustainability | Tagged , | 18 Comments

Ohana Alert for the Week of Mar.13-17

Aloha e nå Ohana, Mahalo for the kåkou effort to make Student-Led Conferences a success!  We,the students and I,  appreciate you joining us in celebrating the many successes and courageously facing the areas we are striving to improve on!  “E … Continue reading

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