Whoohoo! The FISH! Were right at home today! We went to the Kumuola lokoi’a to test out the wa’a water purification systems built w/Kumu Noe in STEAM class! According to Kumu Noe, “the students were so focused on testing! Everyone had a growth mindset as they strategized to improve their systems!” Love the “no quit” attitude & the continuous strategizing and learning to improve the outcome!
Students also had the opportunity to work with Kumu Manae to learn all about the oli Waters of Kane. Students then rotated to Kumu Richards group! Of course, we love Kumu Richards…learning about water quality and salinity of the lokoi’a, all while laughing a lot and having a blast! Click on the video below to “catch” a glimpse of our day filled w/so much learning! AND…it all happened before lunch! 🙂
Ka’u I’a: Post a comment & share how this huaka’i connects to our essential question “What Is Your Kuleana?” Share specific examples of learning in a paragraph of 5-7 sentences. Hit the post comment button AFTER you have revised your comment. This is due on Wed., Mar. 15 @ 7:45am.
5B “STEAM”ing @ Kumuola Lokoi’a from 5BFish on Vimeo.
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