5/5/14 B


1)  Poetry Page Due 5/7 (We’ll have about 20mins in class, but don’t wait till the last minute!!)

2)  Read The Giver pgs. 1-25.

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4/29/14 B


1)  Work on poetry page: due 5/7

2) Reading Plus

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4/24/14 A


1) Choose at least 3 of your poems to include on your English Poetry page.

  • revise

2) Check KS Connect for missing work. Turn in missing, revised, incomplete work.

3)  Reading Plus

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4/23/14 B


1) Choose and revise at least 3 poems to include on your English Poetry Book pages.

2) Finish Out of the Dust constructed response.

3) Reading Plus

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4/22/14 A


1) Finish Hearbeat Constructed Response. Due next class.

2) Reading Plus

***Design Challenge Poem should have been turned in at the end of class today.

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4/21/14 B


1) Revise and complete the 4 Questions the class made for Out of the Dust.

2) Reading Plus

**All Design Challenge Poems should have been turned in at the end of class.

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4/17/14 A


1) Heartbeat: study for summative CR next class

2)  Design Challenge Poem due at the end of next class. Come with at least your rough draft finished. It will need to be typed. You can type at home and bring it in on your flash drive.Design Challenge Informative Poem Rubric

3) Revise 4 questions the class made up and you did for hw. Include at least 2 strong pieces of evidence with page numbers. I will collect and grade.

3) RP

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4/16/14 B


1) Out of the Dust: Read pgs. 190-227 and After Words.

2)  Answer 4 questions from class using clear evidence from the story and siting pg #’s:


1.  What are the sponts on Billie Jo’s dad’s back and how does she feel about them?

2.  Why is everyon blaming Billie Jo instead of the dad because he left the kerosene next to the stove?

3.  Why does Billie Jo write a song about/for her brother?

4.  Why is the daad not talking to Billie Jo?


2B: (answer 4 out of 5)

1.  What are the black spots on Billie Jo’s dad’s body and how does she feel about it?

2.  Do you think the dad should go to night school or not?

3.  Should Billie Jo and her dad adopt the baby left at the church?

4.  Should Billie Jo move in with Aunt Ellis?

5.  Would Billie Jo be better off emotionally with the dad or aunt?

3)  Design Challenge Poem due at the end of class on Monday. See attached rubric.

Design Challenge Informative Poem Rubric

4) Reading Plus

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4/13/14 B


1)  Read Out of the Dust, pgs. 121-189.

2) 4 ?’s

3) 4 interesting words or phrases

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4/10/14 A


1) Finish reading Heartbeat.

2)  Write questions, interesting words or phrases, unfamiliar words on post-its.

3) Finish ALL assigned RP sessions.

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