Meet Our New Kahu!

Meet Kahu Ruth Farrell!  Kahu Ruth has started an exciting journey that God is leading right here at our own kula!  She is originally from Pennsylvania and has currently been a pastor for a church in Ohio.  She loves keiki and takes their Chrisitan Education very seriously.  She was recently welcomed at our Monday morning oli where Dr. Stender, our po’o kula, introduced her to us.  She was welcomed with aloha, lei and lei oli.  She also offered our pule that morning.  Be sure to share your aloha when you see her around campus or in the community!


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What is LOVE?

0924120903 from Shonnie Calina on Vimeo.

0914120855 from Shonnie Calina on Vimeo.

Robert showing his love card. from Shonnie Calina on Vimeo.

Recently the 3rd graders learned about a very important Fruit of the Spirit called love. We learned that not only is love very important to our pilina with God and others, but we also learned that love or aloha is an action. It’s more than a word or feeling, but it is something that we do, something that we show. Students shared that they can show aloha by caring for others, not being selfish, but by being kind and respectful. They also said that showing love or doing love is being thankful, not complaining about everything, and being able to forgive. We also were reminded of how huge and unchangeable God’s love is for us.
In their activity, students made a “Love Card”, that will connect two large paper clips by pulling on both ends of their folded card. It’s a great reminder that in order to build pilina, we must put love into action!

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Silent Skit

Yesterday the 2B learned the story of when Mary went to visit her relative Elizabeth, after she was told by the angel Gabriel that she was going to be pregnant with God’s Son, Jesus.  They learned how powerful and loving God is by learning how the Holy Spirit filled Elizabeth and that she knew about baby Jesus even before Mary could tell her.  We also discussed how Mary’s joy was so big that she sang a beautiful song to praise God for all that He was doing!  After the story, students volunteered to portray Mary and Elizabeth in a “Silent Skit”.  In this activity, students needed to act out the story as it was being read from the Bible, Luke 1:39-56.  However, they were not allowed to talk, or make any noise.   All the acting had to come through their facial expressions and body lanuguage!  So much fun!  Even Miss Fullerton volunteered!  Wonderful job also to Kealohi, Hulali, and Trinity!

Luke 1:45 “You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what he said.”

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Fly Your Forgiveness Flags!


First graders recently learned the story of when Joseph forgave his brothers for doing some pretty horrible things to him.  He told them not to be angry with themselves for what they had done because it was God who worked things out in such a way that they would be reunited again.  The students also learned what forgiveness was and how important to pilina it truly is.  They made paper flags to express that they will be keiki who can forgive others, just like Jesus forgives us!

Colossians 3:13 “…Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”

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October ‘Ekalesia

Heart of Aloha from Kalei Chang on Vimeo.

This morning’s service was blessed and Spirit led! The Deputation Team did an awesome job leading our service by doing the welcome (thanks, Denby), the Call to Worship scripture reading in Hawaiian (great job, Kyra) and English (awesome, Kaiolohia), leading us in prayer (mahalo nui, Keiki Kahu Kamakana), and reading our scripture for the day (Nice, Wallace). They also introduced the segments and helped so that our service flowed well (fantastic work, Nae’ole and Sophia). We were also blessed by the support and kōkua of Kumu Crabbe who does our scripture reading in Hawaiian, and by Mrs. Debus who plays the music for us. Today was also a special treat as we had Uncle Bobby Correa, a new custodian here on our campus, accompany the Praise and Worship Team as they did their motions to the song “Let Him Lead”, by Nā Leo Pilimehana. Kahu Apaka’s message today was to have a heart of aloha. The message was illustrated by a skit that showed a brother and sister arguing and showing less aloha as the argument escalated. Then Kahu Apaka froze the skit and asked the students if there was any aloha/love being shown. The answer was a definite “no”. The skit continued to show the actual way that Jesus teaches us to communicate with each other, with aloha, kindness, and with respectful attitudes. Our homework is to have a heart of aloha and show it at home, school, and everywhere we go.
Mahalo to Mrs. Chang for the video!

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“Let Him Lead”

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The Praise and Worship Team was practicing hard today at lunch recess.  They will be doing a song on Monday, at our ‘Ekalesia or Chapel Service.  The song is by Nā Leo called, “Let Him Lead”.   I am so thankful for these students who want to serve God in this way! Mahalo for being a great example for all of us!
Mahalo to Mrs. Chang for taking this picture!

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What Do You Think it Means?

It’s so important not just to memorize scripture or paukū.  When we discussed why it’s important to know God’s Word in 5B yesterday, some of the students shared how it’s more important to actually live the word.  I discussed how someone could memorize the entire Bible, which is a great accomplishment, but they would be missing the whole point if it was only in his/her head and not the heart.  The students got it.  What’s more awesome is that the Holy Spirit is right there with us to help us continue to “get it”!

So please read the scripture above, and comment on what you think it could mean.

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Meet Our Keiki Kahu!

On Monday, September 17th, our Keiki Kahu choice was announced at our Monday morning oli. Kamakana, a 5th grader in Kumu Pai’s class, accepted the task of being a servant-leader here at Kula Ha’a. He will assist in all chapel services, help to lead our elementary Deputation Team, as well as kōkua where he is needed, like leading pule. Mahalo e Kamakana for accepting the role as our new Keiki Kahu 2012-2013. May God bless you abundantly, and may the words of 1 Timothy 4:12 encourage you throughout the year!

1 Timothy 4:12 Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.

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Do You Babel?

The fourth graders recently learned about the Tower of Babel story from the Bible (Genesis 11). Babel means to speak in a confusion of sounds or noises. Sometimes people say that babies babel. Well, this story is where the word “babel”comes from. The haumāna learned that at one time God’s people spoke the same language, but instead of unifying for good, they came together to bring glory to themselves and not God. Therefore God came down and changed their language to various languages. This caused the people to “scatter” all over the earth. That is what they were supposed to do in the first place. Well, the fourth graders had a chance to experience what that must have felt like when they did a group activity which required them to follow directions on a card to build a wooden puzzle together. However, the language on each card was different. One was Italian, the second was Swedish, the third, Spanish, and the last was French. They were told to work together to accomplish what the card instructed. Once they turned the card over and discovered the foreign language, it was clear that the job now became a bigger challenge than they originally thought. Students shared how it was frustrating, confusing, and how nothing could really get done. It was diificult to work together.

With this activity the haumāna better understood what God had done so that the people would go, move, migrate, and later inhabit the entire earth. It was a lesson to also illustrate how different cultures, languages, beliefs, and ethnicities developed over thousands of years. They also learned why God did what He did. We learn His answer in Acts 17:26-27. 26 From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. 27 God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.

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Our First ‘Ekalesia of the School Year

I Will Follow from Shonnie Calina on Vimeo.

Yesterday’s first K-5 service of the year was blessed! Members of our Deputation Team and Praise & Worship Team participated and worked hard to lead our service yesterday. Kahu Apaka shared God’s Word with us and how Jesus is the Living Water. “E Inu i Ka Wai Ola”- Drink of the Life Giving Water, is the spiritual theme for this school year. It simply means that Jesus is the Life Giving Water, and when we know He loves us and we accept that love, and love Him back, our spirit will never be thirsty, and His light, or rivers of Life will flow through us. That simply means that we can have peace and joy in all situations, and that peace and joy can be sahred with others through our own actions of aloha. It also means that Jesus leads us to “a good land with streams and pools of water” (Deut. 8:7), meaning when we choose to follow the Lord, He will lead us to better places in our own lives, here, spiritually and in eternity.

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