Silent Skit

Yesterday the 2B learned the story of when Mary went to visit her relative Elizabeth, after she was told by the angel Gabriel that she was going to be pregnant with God’s Son, Jesus.  They learned how powerful and loving God is by learning how the Holy Spirit filled Elizabeth and that she knew about baby Jesus even before Mary could tell her.  We also discussed how Mary’s joy was so big that she sang a beautiful song to praise God for all that He was doing!  After the story, students volunteered to portray Mary and Elizabeth in a “Silent Skit”.  In this activity, students needed to act out the story as it was being read from the Bible, Luke 1:39-56.  However, they were not allowed to talk, or make any noise.   All the acting had to come through their facial expressions and body lanuguage!  So much fun!  Even Miss Fullerton volunteered!  Wonderful job also to Kealohi, Hulali, and Trinity!

Luke 1:45 “You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what he said.”

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