Heart of Aloha from Kalei Chang on Vimeo.
This morning’s service was blessed and Spirit led! The Deputation Team did an awesome job leading our service by doing the welcome (thanks, Denby), the Call to Worship scripture reading in Hawaiian (great job, Kyra) and English (awesome, Kaiolohia), leading us in prayer (mahalo nui, Keiki Kahu Kamakana), and reading our scripture for the day (Nice, Wallace). They also introduced the segments and helped so that our service flowed well (fantastic work, Nae’ole and Sophia). We were also blessed by the support and kōkua of Kumu Crabbe who does our scripture reading in Hawaiian, and by Mrs. Debus who plays the music for us. Today was also a special treat as we had Uncle Bobby Correa, a new custodian here on our campus, accompany the Praise and Worship Team as they did their motions to the song “Let Him Lead”, by Nā Leo Pilimehana. Kahu Apaka’s message today was to have a heart of aloha. The message was illustrated by a skit that showed a brother and sister arguing and showing less aloha as the argument escalated. Then Kahu Apaka froze the skit and asked the students if there was any aloha/love being shown. The answer was a definite “no”. The skit continued to show the actual way that Jesus teaches us to communicate with each other, with aloha, kindness, and with respectful attitudes. Our homework is to have a heart of aloha and show it at home, school, and everywhere we go.
Mahalo to Mrs. Chang for the video!
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