The Elementary or Kula Ha’aha’a Ministry has begun! Ministry is for students who are in grades 3, 4 and 5. It is completely voluntary and there are two areas in which students can serve. One area in ministry is the Praise and Worship Team. This team learns praise and worship songs and the motions that accompany the songs. They present or offer these mele at our Chapel services. The other area in which the keiki can serve is with the God Squad, formerly the Deputation Team. This “squad” learns more about God through the Bible and helps to lead our kula ha’aha’a by pono example. They are also responsible for helping at our Chapel services.
The overall focus with ministry is to deepen our relationship with the Lord by serving God through serving others. Our meetings/practices are held on Days 1, 1, or 5, during lunch recess. Students can join at any time throughout the year. Please let me know if there are any questions.
Psalm 100:2 “Serve the Lord with Gladness..”