Easter Chapel


Our K-8 Easter Chapel was held on Wednesday, March 29.  Students learned what Palm Sunday is about, when Jesus entered into Jerusalem, days before He died and rose again. It was a blessed service, with students playing the piano, speaking, praying, sharing scripture, and praising the Lord through music!

To view the beautiful pictures taken by Mr. Kerry Kamisato, please click on the link below!


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Share Your Mana’o


For grades 2, 3 4, and 5…please listen to the voki to the right.  Jesus is saying something important.  Think about what He is saying and leave a comment about what you think He might mean.  It doesn’t have to be a long comment. 

 “I have come so they can have life.  I want them to have it in the fullest possible way.  I am the way, the truth and the life.”

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Temperature Check!

hearts on door

At the beginning of the new year, 2013, students of the ES Deputation Team, made resolutions.  The kind of resolutions they made were “heart” resolutions.  They made a commitment to improve a part of their behavior and their behavior towards others.  Some students said they will be nicer, more respectful, more patient with siblings, or to even choose a better attitude.  Now that it is March and the season of Lent, we are checking to see if we really kept that commitment to our heart resolutions!  How are you doing?

We may have challenges every day that tempt us to react in a pono’ole way, and God knows that it’s not always easy to make the best choices.  Thankfully, He is full of grace!  Although at times it seems hard to keep God’s ways, He reassures us that His way is best and best for us, even if we cannot see it.  So be encouraged; don’t give up; and ho’omau (persevere)!

Come check out the “hearts” on my office windows and get inspired!

“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.”  Galatians 6:9

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February Chapel

IMG 2585 from Shonnie Calina on Vimeo.

IMG 2587 from Shonnie Calina on Vimeo.

February Chapel was blessed!  Kahu Ruth shared about the season of Lent and read a wonderful story about a fox named Ruthie who didn’t make the best choices at first, but soon came to realize that confessing the truth was what needed to be done.  The Praise and Wroship Team did the motions to a song called, “Create In Me”, which comes from the scripture Psalm 51:10, also our scripture for Chapel.  Members of the Elementary Deputation Team also participated in scripture reading and the Call to Worship as well as pule.

In this time of Lent, let us ask God to cleanse our hearts, ask for forgiveness and confess what is true, all the while strengthening and making pa’a our pilina with the One that loves us without condition.

(Mahalo nui to Kumu Crabbe, Ms. Richardson, and Mrs. Chang)

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Please Enjoy!

Below are the pictures of a wonderful and blessed Christmas Convocation.  Students participated in a Nativity that portrayed the events of Jesus’ birth, the reason for Christmas celebrations around the globe!  Mahalo, Mr. Kamisato, for always providing these fabulous photos that capture so many of our school memories!

Click here for photos: http://hawaii.ksbe.edu/middle/gallery/Christmas-Convocation2012/

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Hau’oli Makahiki Hou!

It is a brand new year, 2013!  Wow, time sure does fly!  In this new year, while everyone usually makes resolutions for better health, I’d like to encourage all of us to also make a resolution or a commitment to having a better heart!  It is God’s desire for us to love.  Deeply loving is an action that often requires sacrifice.  But, it does not require for anyone to love us first, although God did love us first!  Let us be more loving, kind, patient, forgiving, thankful, honest, giving and humble even if we don’t feel like it or think the other person deserves it.  Love is truly the brightest light and the blessing and reward will be eternal!

What will be your “HEART” resolution this year?

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“Aloha Kalikimaka!”


Christmas is when we celebrate or recognize the birth of Jesus Christ, the one and only Son of God. When we think about the events of His birth, and how He came into this world in such a humble fashion, in the quiet of the night, on a clear evening when that special, bright star shone the way, I am urged to feel thankful and humble, as well as loved.  This time of year can bring such excitement and often more busyness than the rest of the year.  Often our focus is on the material.  I encourage you to take a moment and reflect on the past year, and as you  sift through all the challenges, find the moments where you know you were blessed and that God’s loving presence was with you.  Then give thanks to Him and His Son Jesus, through Whom we receive all of our blessings.

May your Christmas be filled with the joy and peace of Jesus Christ.

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Thanksgiving Convocation

We had our K-8 Thanksgiving Convocation on Monday and it was so very blessed!  We welcomed our new kahu, Kahu Ruth Farrell and prayed a blessing over her. We humbly asked for God to guide her as she leads our kula in the ways of Jesus Christ. 

Fourth graders sang a song entitled “I Feel My Savior’s Love”, the Middle School Deputation Team sang a song entitled “Give Thanks”, and Kahu Ruth blessed the many Operation Christmas Child boxes that were filled by our own haumāna, kumu and ‘ohana.

The message that Kahu Gaymond Apaka shared was a message of being thankful and the best way to show it is to bless others.  When we do that, we dont’ focus on ourselves.  Let us be a blessing to and for others this holiday season and focus on the wonderful things we do have instead of on the things we don’t.

Click the link for photos


Hau’oli Lā Ho’omaika’i!

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Give Thanks?

Yes!  Being that we are closing in on the Thanksgiving Holiday, let us take the time to really reflect and give the Lord thanks for every blessing that He freely gives each of us.  We often reflect only on really “big” blessings, but I have found that when I can give thanks for even the “little” every day things, it’s much more difficult to complain because I realize just how fortunate I really am.  It’s all about our perspective, the way we see things.  For example, I am very thankful that I have clean water to drink, that I have a warm place to sleep at night, and that I have a God that loves me unconditionally.  To me these things are not small at all, but we often overlook these and many other daily conveniences. 

Also, a blessing is not always a material thing.  For example, I am thankful that I have the ability to walk and see.  I should not take those gifts for granted.  The best way to tell God you are thankful is not just in prayer or in words, but in the way you take care of what He has given you.  It’s also in having a humble heart.

What or who are you thankful for? Leave a comment!


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Recently the 5th graders had a lesson on friendship. We discussed what a true friendship looks like and how Jesus showed the ultimate example of friendship when He laid His own life down for us all.  Jesus is not asking us to do the exact same thing as He did, but He is asking us to be a better friend who is not selfish. We are supposed to be a friend that doesn’t make the other person feel bad about themselves or who does not bully or influence others to do pono’ole things. We are to love at all times (Proverbs 17:17). We examined how to be a friend, what kind of friend each us are, and what type of friends we have. At the start of our lesson, students paired off and needed to help each other sit down, and get back up while arms were locked! Not an easy thing to do. Lots of laughter filled the classroom, but it also showed us how sometimes we want to give up, not let the other person have their way, or complain when things get hard. It also showed us that when there’s good team work, awesome things can get done. Friendship is much like that!

So, 5th graders, have you made any changes? What kind of friend are you and what type of friend would you like to become?

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