We had our K-8 Thanksgiving Convocation on Monday and it was so very blessed! We welcomed our new kahu, Kahu Ruth Farrell and prayed a blessing over her. We humbly asked for God to guide her as she leads our kula in the ways of Jesus Christ.
Fourth graders sang a song entitled “I Feel My Savior’s Love”, the Middle School Deputation Team sang a song entitled “Give Thanks”, and Kahu Ruth blessed the many Operation Christmas Child boxes that were filled by our own haumāna, kumu and ‘ohana.
The message that Kahu Gaymond Apaka shared was a message of being thankful and the best way to show it is to bless others. When we do that, we dont’ focus on ourselves. Let us be a blessing to and for others this holiday season and focus on the wonderful things we do have instead of on the things we don’t.
Click the link for photos
Hau’oli Lā Ho’omaika’i!